1. 要保证睡眠时间,成年人也需要7.5-8小时。不要想着剥夺睡眠时间去工作去干活,manage energy 而非manage time
2. 光对睡眠影响很大,入睡前1-2小时要减少光源,远离电子产品
3. 深睡眠是帮助恢复体力的,REM(快速眼动)睡眠是帮助恢复精神的,挑选最近24小时的记忆,加进整个记忆库中
4. 不要以为自己是睡眠短的特例,特例存在但是极少。1910年全美成年人平均睡眠是9小时,如今是7小时。自己推论:总不能是不到100年的时间,人这个物种发生了剧变导致睡眠需求减少这么多,只能是工业社会发展推动生活方式改变的影响。
5. circadian cycle要遵循。简单说就是几点怎么样,体内激素水平、体温、血压等的状况。以前看过一个中医的表,是对应不同脏器排毒的,不以为意。记得很多人都认为是伪科学还举出不少人物的反例。
slow wave sleep 慢波睡眠(deep sleep),是帮助恢复体能的,所以有的杰出运动员要睡11-12小时。而且斯坦福实验证明,连续几周睡10小时以上,比之前8小时,投篮准确度和80米短跑成绩都有所提高。
REM sleep is to the mind what slow wave sleep is to the body. The brain is relatively quiet during most sleep phases, but during REM your brain comes to life. REM sleep is when your brain dreams and re-organizes information. During this phase your brain clears out irrelevant information, boosts your memory by connecting the experiences of the last 24 hours to your previous experiences, and facilitates learning and neural growth.
The amount of time you spend in these phases tends to decrease with age, which means the quality of your sleep and your body’s ability to recover also decrease with age.
最后是重要的circadian cycle:
6 A.M. Cortisol levels increase to wake your brain and body
7 A.M. Melatonin production stops
9 A.M. Sex hormone production peaks
10 A.M. Mental alertness levels peak
2:30 P.M. Best motor coordination
3:30 P.M. Fastest reaction time
5 P.M. Greatest cardiovascular efficiency and muscle strength
7 P.M. Highest blood pressure and body temperature
9 P.M. Melatonin production begins to prepare the body for sleep
10 P.M. Bowel movements suppressed as the body quiets down
2 A.M. Deepest sleep
4 A.M. Lowest body temperature
cortisol 皮质醇
melatonin 褪黑素
motor coordination 运动协调
cardiovascular efficiency 心血管功能
bowel movement 大便==|