above, adjust, among, begun, blunder, brother, bubble, budget, but, come, conductor, country, cousin, crumble, crust, cuff, cut, done, double, drug, enough, fumble, fun, function, funding, funny, fuzz, glove, gum, gushed, gust, hunt, husband, jump, love, lucky, lullaby, lumber, lunch, lung, money, month, mother, much, muddle, muffin, mug, mush, mushroom, mustard, nut, other, outrun, oven, plunge, plunk, public, publish, punch, punish, puppy, puzzle, refund, rub, rubbish, rubble, ruffle, runner, rush, Russian, shotgun, shove, shrug, shut, son, spun, struck, structure, struggle, strung, stubbly, stuck, study, stuff, stumble, stump, stunning, sudden, summer, Sunday, thump, tons, trouble, trust, under, undo, untie, up, uphold, upset, utter, won, young
试一试:take/make/have a stab (at),have it try, try it on
集美貌与才华于一身:papi is a girl who has the beauty and the brains
不太当真地想:toy with
老情人:old flame
你到底想干啥?你葫芦里卖的什么药?:What's the game?
你赢了:It's your game
他在搞鬼:It's his game
你敢尝试我就也敢尝试:I'm game if you are.
适合XX的料:be cut out for something
得饶人处且饶人:don't rub it in
故意刁难某人 欺骗某人: throw a curveball
有16种工作可供选择:There are 16 different jobs up for grabs
精英中的精英 飞机中的战斗机:the cream of the cream
等等之类:and what have you、