

2017-09-12  本文已影响15人  一木之夏



# 提示没有找到头文件,通过-I参数把目录加进来splint -I "E:\C_workspace\demo\sipApp_tkj\include" Call.cpp


Splint should compile effortlessly on standard Unix systems, and with a bit of effort on non-Unix platforms.  If you produce a port for a non-Unix platform, please letsplint@cs.virginia.eduknow.

To build Splint you need:

a (hopefully ANSI-conforming) C compiler.  GNUgccis recommended, but most modern C compilers should work.

make, the GNU make utility. If you don't havemakeinstalled on your system, download it fromftp.gnu.org.

standard Unix tools:gzip,tar


1.Downloadhttp://www.splint.org/downloads/splint-3.1.1.tgz(the latest stable release).

    Copy this package to the directory where you want to build Spint.  When the tar file is extracted, it will create a splint-3.1.1 subdirectory.

2.tar xzf splint-3.1.1.src.tgz(extract files from the archive)

3.cd splint-3.1.1(enter the extracted directory)


    This will create a Makefile with settings for your system.  Useconfigure --prefix=directoryif you want to install  Splint in prefix directorydirectory.


    GNU's make utility is required; it may be namedgmakeorgnumakeon your system.  It is best to do this in an emacs shell or a buffered terminal,  so you can scroll through the output.

    This builds Splint.  While it is building, subscribe to the splint-announce mailing list by visiting http://www.splint.org/lists.html

    If the build was successful, it then runs the test suite.  You should see:

Testing splint 3.1.1...Version Info:Splint 3.1.1 --- 11 Feb 2002Maintainer: splint-bug@splint.org... (about 100 lines of test output elided)Checking manual...Checking tests2.2...Checking tests2.4...Checking tests2.5...Checking db1...Checking db2...Checking db3...

    Examine the test output. If there are errors, send a bug report tosplint-bug@cs.virginia.edu.

    Note: If possible do not built splint in a directory under /usr/.  If the test suite is run in a directory under /usr/ for example /usr/src/, it will report errors even if Splint was built correctly.

    The remaining steps are only necessary if you want to install the Splint binary and libraries in a different directory (set when you ran configure).

6.make install

7.Set environment variables:

    LARCH_PATH- path to search for splint libraries and initializations files. If you are using the standard directories, this should be.:base-directory/splint-3.1.1/lib.

    LCLIMPORTDIR- directory containing lcl imports files. If you are using the standard directories, this isbase-directory/splint-3.1.1/imports.

Put the commands to set these variables (the actual commands will depend on the shell you are using) in one of your initialization dotfiles (usually~/.environment).

Set up your PATH to include the directory containingsplint-3.1.1/bin/splint, or move the binary to a directory on your command path.

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