

2020-07-20  本文已影响0人  深蓝的心灵田园

撑一支竹篙 载一船星辉 在深深岁月里低吟浅唱 音乐里品人生 生活里有故事 故事中有你我

这是一首适合一个人静静听的歌,或坐于黄昏的阳台,或步行于夕阳西下的人行道,歌曲以沧桑独白的声音,讲述着一个名叫SCOTTY 的男人悄无声息的离开,似是一段无人知晓情节的故事,却象极了我们生活中的每一个人。




Scotty checked out this morning
In his customary way
With a glass of good
Malt whiskey in his hand
At least that's what they say
He didn't leave much owing
When he finally paid the bill
Maybe he should have

Settled a few old scores
But now I guess he never will
I remember the time he told me
We were born under a golden star
And maybe sometimes

We couldn't find it
And the journey seemed too far
But it was just a matter of hanging in
And we'd get there in the end
Well it seems you're gonna find it
My crazy beautiful friend
Mr Scott has left the building
The big old twelve
String's packed away
And the gig is finally over
And Scotty's on his way
But there's a song
I still keep singing
And I'll never lose the tune
'Cos Scotty's out there somewhere
And he's howling at the moon
He's howling at the moon
I can hear him
He's howling at the moon
Scotty's out there somewhere
And he's howling at the moon


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