1. 《我妈妈》是从宝贝的角度出发描写妈妈的绘本,阅读时可尽量营造温馨柔和的亲子阅读环境。
2. 《我妈妈》语言和句式都比较简单,书中多次出现“She’s nice, my mum”这句话,而且随着故事发展不断加强。如果宝贝听故事的注意力能集中,可引导宝贝一起大声读出这句话。
3. 安东尼•布朗还创作了《我爸爸》等系列作品,可搭配阅读。

My mum
Anthony browne
She’s nice, my mum.
My mum’s fantascic cook,
And a brilliant juggler.
She’s a great painter,
And the strongest woman in the world!
She’s really nice, my mum.
My mum’s a magic gardener.
She can make anything grow.
And she’s a good fairy.
When I’m sad she can make me happy.
She can sing like an angel,
Abd roar like a lion.
She’s really, really nice, my mum.
My mum’s as beautiful as a butterfly,
And as comfy as an armchair.
She’s as soft as a kitten,
And as tough as a rhino.
She’s really, really, really nice, my mum.
My mum could be a dancer, or an astronaut.
Sh’e could be a film star,
Or the big boss. But she’s my mum.
She’s a supermum!
And she makes me laugh. A lot.
I love my mum.
And you know what?
She loves me!
(and she always will.)