Lesson 79 By air
I used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy. My parents, used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly. Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.


to make the j sound, the jaw drops a little bit, the lips maybe relaxed or they may begin rounding for the ending position.
The tongue tip is down, lightly touching the back of the bottom front teeth, the mid-front part of the tongue lifts and touches the roof of the mouth about here.

it pushes forward against the roof of the mouth before pulling away.
As we move the tongue from the roof of the mouth, we close the vocal cords to get this sound, we release the sound the same time we release the tongue.
to transition into the next sound, we release right into the position of the U as in boo vowel.
the tongue tip doesn't need to move.
stressed unstressed (less lip rounded)
use interview
music continue
review unite

1. A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience.
An attendant is someone present at a meeting or event. A flight attendant, for example, tends to the needs of passengers on a plane trip.
The word attendant has to do with being present. An attendant on a flight is present to help you if you need anything. An attendant event is one that happens in the presence of another event. In other words, it can mean "accompanying." An illness can have attendant symptoms that go along with it. Remember that the word ends in -ant.
Charge can mean electricity received, as in the shock you’d feel if you put your finger in a wall socket. Charge is also what you do when you use your credit card instead of cash. Shopping can be electrifying too.
Charge has many meanings. Charge is what a cavalry does when it rushes towards enemy lines. A charge is also the cost of something. When you are “in charge,” it means that you are in command of everything. And when you are “in charge of,” it means that you have a specific responsibility. And when you are excited about something, you “get a charge out of it.” If you like power, you might get a charge out of being in charge.
When a bird soars through the sky powered by its wings, that's flight, the process of traveling through the air.Humans can experience flight by getting on an airplane or trying out hang gliding. You can also describe each individual instance of flying as a flight: "I took a long flight to Sri Lanka this summer." Anything that's soaring through the air is in flight, especially if it has wings or is engineered to stay up there. As a noun, a flight is also one group or set of steps: "We had to carry her books up three flights of stairs."
5.[C] a series of steps between ten floors or levels
• 一段楼梯;一段阶梯:
»She fell down a flight of stairs / steps and hurt her back.
6.[U, sing.] the act of running away from a dangerous or difficult situation
• (从危险或困境中的)逃避,躲避:
»the flight of refugees from the advancing forces
»The main character is a journalist in flight from a failed marriage.
7.[C] ~ of fancy / imagination an idea or a statement that shows a lot of imagination but is not practical or sensible
8.[C] a group of birds or aircraft flying together
»a flight of geese
»an aircraft of the Queen's flight
2. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane.
A plant is a living thing that loves dirt, sun, and water but can’t move. That tree outside? Plant. Your dog? Not a plant. A plant can also be a factory, like a nuclear power plant.
Trees, flowers, and vegetables are all plants, and you help them get started every time you plant a seed in soil. Another kind of plant is a factory or another business where goods are manufactured, and then there's the plant that means "spy or informer." The Latin root of plant is planta, "sprout or shoot," which may stem from plantare, "push into the ground with the feet," from planta, "sole of the foot."
•native plants and animals原产于当地的动植物
PUT 放置 transitive + adverb or preposition
■to put something firmly and strongly in a particular place 放置,安放
•[R] My brother planted himself on the sofa in front of the television.我哥哥坐在电视机前的沙发上。
•He planted a kiss on her forehead/a blow on his opponent's jaw.他在她的额头上吻了一下/一拳打在对手的下巴上。
transitive usually + adverb or preposition
■to cause an idea or story to exist 注入,灌输
•That incident planted doubts about him in my mind.那件事让我对他产生了怀疑。
•Who planted these rumours ?谁制造了这些谣言?
UK [plɑ:nt] US [plænt] verb PUT SECRETLY 偷偷放置 transitive usually + adverb or preposition informal
■to put something or someone in a position secretly, especially in order to deceive someone 藏匿;栽赃
•She insisted that the drugs had been planted on her without her knowledge.她坚持说在她毫不知晓的情况下,有人把毒品栽赃于她。
•The bomb was planted in the station waiting room.炸弹被放置在车站的候车室内。
1. parents,unpleasant, searched模仿不到位, Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. learnt that there was也不像原声的节奏。
2. 今天模仿的不够像。
3. 出现了很多used to,想要找到我的Ann Cook的书,结果没有找到。
4. 16:18,完成任务。