3.1Describe Image-线图练习
Line Chart Practice:

The graph is about the rainfall and temperature in Great Lakes area in the United States.
According to the graph, we can see that the highest rainfall can be seen in July, which is about 100 millimetres, however, the lowest rainfall can be seen in February, March, April, October and November, which is about 20 millimetres.
A similar situation can be seen in temperature as well, July has the highest figure for temperature, at about 20 degrees, the lowest temperature can be seen in December and January, which is -10 degrees.
In conclusion, rainfall and temperature are positively correlated with each other.

The line graph is about reading achievement for successful and struggling readers from grade 1 to grade 3.
According to the graph, the successful readers reading speed are obviously higher than that for struggling readers. For struggling readers, their reading fluency increase from about 10 words at grade 1 to about 40 words at grade 3.
However, reading speed for successful readers increase from about 20 words at grade 1 to about 120 words at the end of the same period.
In conclusion, the successful readers make faster progress than the struggling readers.

The line graph is about the percentage of the Asian and European population in the whole world.
For Aisa, the number / the figure / it started at about 65% in 1750, then decreased to about 55% in 1950, and ended at about 60% in 2000.
However, for Europe, the number / the figure / it in 1750 was about 20% and increased slightly until 1900, after that, it dropped about 10% at the end of the period.
In conclusion, the percentage of the Asian population in the whole world is much larger than that in Europe.