中英双语儿童故事- The Three Little Pigs

2024-03-10  本文已影响0人  木易林1

The Three Little Pigs 《三只小猪》

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who set out to build their own houses. The first little pig built his house out of straw, the second little pig built his house out of sticks, and the third little pig built his house out of bricks.


One day, a big bad wolf came to the neighborhood and saw the houses the little pigs had built. He first went to the house made of straw and huffed and puffed until he blew it down. The first little pig ran to his brother's house made of sticks.


Next, the wolf went to the house made of sticks and huffed and puffed until he blew it down too. The first and second little pigs then ran to their brother's house made of bricks.


No matter how hard the wolf tried, he couldn't blow down the house made of bricks. Frustrated, the wolf tried to trick the pigs into letting him in, but they were too clever for him.


In the end, the wolf gave up and ran away, never to bother the three little pigs again. And the three little pigs lived happily ever after in their sturdy brick house.


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