
2019-02-21  本文已影响0人  秦玺2352


1. 我常听说宫里的事福祸相依,到底是好事还是祸事,还不一定呢!

I often hear that in the palace the good things and bad things are closely associated. So, no one knows exactly what will happen.

*…and…are closely associated:…和…息息相关

2. 在这个紫禁城里,一个人,连一棵树都不如。

In the Forbidden City, a person, sometimes, is inferior to a tree.

*be inferior to:不如、比…劣等

3. 这儿啊,谁也照应不了谁,自求多福吧!

In this place, you can rely on nobody but yourself.

4. 凡是标榜自己,抬高自己,吹嘘自己的人啊,别犹豫,狠狠地啐上一口。

When you meet those who like bragging about themselves, don’t hesitate to spit on them!

*brag about:吹嘘


*spit on:向...吐口水

5. 势比人强,一个鸡蛋,怎么敢去碰石头?

Just like an ant can't topple a big tree, a person cannot reverse the trend.



6. 换成我,千万人的唾沫,我也能唾面自干。哪怕就是要我跪着等,我也要等下去,直到真相大白的那一天。

If I were you, I would humbly wait for the truth coming out, no matter how many people get me wrong and spit on my face.

*get somebody wrong:冤枉某人

7. 什么样的女人到了宫里来,到最后都变成了一个样,再聪明,再漂亮,再珍贵,到了最后,还不是都成了鱼眼珠,泯然众人矣。

Whoever comes to the palace would end up exactly with the same result: no matter how outstanding you are at the beginning, you will eventually become one of the emperor’s numerous concubines.

*end up with:以...告终


8. 人心存良善,更应懂自保。

People are good in nature, but they still should learn how to protect themselves.

*in nature:在本性上

9. 病猫始终是病猫,纵然咆哮一声,也成不了老虎。

A sick cat will always be a sick cat. A loud purr doesn’t make it a tiger.



I am a big believer of the saying "never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you". Those cheap tricks will do you no good but only make you appear more despicable.

*never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you:英文谚语,即“别招惹麻烦”

*cheap tricks:低劣的伎俩




