聚焦与节奏 9月18日学习记录
Dance your fingers Dance your fingers up. Dance your fingers down. Dance them to the side. Dance them all around. Dance them on your shoulders. Dance them on your head. Dance them on your tummy. Put them all to bed.
在仅凭记忆听着文字的时候,就出现了一些不如意,比如"dance them to the side"这句一开始我写成"dance them side"因为我只是对content word有印象,而对filler word 记忆模糊,再加上记得side也有副词的用法,就想当然以为写对了,跟实际一对就发现了问题。所以各种不同的学习技巧真得可以用来锻炼不同的能力,更能破除我那些自以为是的想当然。
九点半开始复习"7 habits of highly effectice people "的第一部分"paradigm and principles ",把其中作者提出的一些有趣的理念串了糖葫芦。
Inside-out big idea
1.The character ethic VS personality ethic
2. The primary and secondary greatness
3. The power of paradigm
4. The paradigm shift
3 . The principle-centered paradigm
4. Seeing and being , the way we see the problem is the problem
5 the principle of growth
6 A new level of thinking
在 " the overview of the 7 habits " 作者又抛出了三个全书的基础论点。
1 habits The habits can be learned and unlearned . It comprise of three components , knowledge , skill and desire . Each habit can only be built by these three components together .
2 maturity. Interdependence means the supreme maturity , the first three habits help us enhance our independence , the second three habits help us develop the interdependence. That doesn't mean you can only turn to the interdepence habit when we get excellent in the independence habits . We don't have to apply them into our practice sequentially .
3 the production and producing capability balance , this is a really revolutionary point for me . Because usually we pay more attention to the product than to the producing capability . When we are aware there is something wrong or we should do something to maintain the machine , it is too late . This principle means we should invest time and energy to invest our relationships with our family members , also the goal and the outputing can stimulate the producing capability .