Peak-Harnessing Adaptability 1/2

2017-08-03  本文已影响0人  二白_a00c


1.falter: to become weaker and unable to continue in an effective way

原文:how long you can keep going until your muscles falter due to lactic acid buildup.

造句:Without deliberate training, our ability to solve problem will gradually falter.

2.more to the point:更重要的是

原文:More to the point, prospective taxi drivers must demonstrate that they can get from one point in the city to another as efficiently as possible.

造句:More to the point, the government play an vital role in education system.

3.loose end: part of something that have not been completed or correctly done

原文:That still left one loose end

造句:Unfortunately, there are still some loose ends.

4.nothing more than: 仅仅,只不过

原文:the extensive testing (they went through) was nothing more than a weeding-out process淘汰过程 (that zeroed in on those prospective drivers (who were naturally better equipped to be able to learn their way around the maze that is London)).

little more than: 和。。。差不多

原文:these were thought to be little more than the strengthening of some neural connections and the weakening of others.

5.flat out: in a direct and complete way

原文:most scientists would have flat out denied that something like what Maguire has seen in the brains of London cabbies was even possible.

造句:The professor told me about my performance flat out.


We can know the effect of our physical training process by measuring some physical indicators; relevant studies often come from athletes. By contrast, the results of mental training is hard to measure; relevant researches are from taxi drivers.


Tell the experiment about the training "bulking up" the posterior hippocampi by studying the brains of London cabbies.


The author uses the pull-ups example to illustrate that human body is incredibly adaptable. From Maguire’s work and that of others, the brain has a very similar degree and variety of adaptability. We can feel the mental adaptability from blind people experiment and farsightedness experiment.

My thought:


行文布局这一块,受群里刘小咪的启发,今天也特别留意了下,发现作者某些地方的行文逻辑其实和托福写作GRE写作有神通之处。当举出一个中心句子topic sentence时,一般会先简单解释一下这个句子,然后再举例论证。


