dextra DEX/ODEX/ART/OAT分析工具
2016-06-22 本文已影响1635人
1 # ./dextra.armv7
2 Usage: ./dextra.armv7 [...] _file_
3 Where: _file_ = DEX or ART/OAT file to open
4 And [...] can be any combination of:
5 -l List contents of file (classes is in dex, oat, or ART)
6 -c: Only process this class
7 -m: show methods for processed classes (implies -c *)
8 -f: show fields for processed classes (implies -c *)
9 -p: Only process classes in this package
11 Disassembly/Decompilation:
12 -d: Disassemble DEX code sections (like dexdump does - implies -m)
13 -D: Decompile to Java (new feature, still working on it. Implies -j -m)
14 -noindent: Disable indentation of code
16 DEX specific options:
17 -h: Just dump file header
18 -M [_index_]: Dump Method at _index_, or dump all methods
19 -F [_index_]: Dump Field at _index_, or dump all fields
20 -S [_index_]: Dump String at _index_, or dump all strings
21 -T [_index_]: Dump Type at _index_, or dump all types
23 OAT specific options:
24 -h: Just dump file header
25 -dextract Extract embedded DEX content from an OAT files
26 -o Display addresses as offsets (useful for file editing/fuzzing)
27 -delta 0x... Apply Patch delta
28 -begin 0x... Set image beginning to value (auto-delta)
30 ART specific options:
31 -delta 0x... Apply Patch delta
32 -begin 0x... Set image beginning to value (auto-delta)
33 -deep Deep dump (go into object arrays)
35 And you can always use any of these output Modifiers:
36 -j: Java style output (default is JNI, but this is much better)
37 -v: verbose output
38 -color: Color output (can also set JCOLOR=1 environment variable)
40 This is DEXTRA, version 1.29.79 (N,PR3), compiled on May 24 2016.
42 For more details and the latest version of this tool:
43 Please let me know you're using it- by visiting once
- 分析DEX:
a. 查看dex头信息:
1 #./dextra.armv7 -h classes.dex
2 Header Magic: dex\n035
3 Checksum: ded02cb6 (correct)
4 File Size: 0x1a91e4 1741284
5 Header Size: 0x70 112
6 Endian: 0x12345678
7 Warning: Constraint G6 (endian_tag) violated!
8 Map: @0x1a9114 with 17 items
9 Item 0: type: Header 0x0 size: 1 offset: 0x 0
10 Item 1: type: String IDs 0x1 size: 13460 offset: 0x 70
11 Item 2: type: Type IDs 0x2 size: 2826 offset: 0xd2c0
12 Item 3: type: Proto IDs 0x3 size: 3993 offset: 0xfee8
13 Item 4: type: Field IDs 0x4 size: 6920 offset: 0x1ba14
14 Item 5: type: Method IDs 0x5 size: 19819 offset: 0x29254
15 Item 6: type: Class Defs 0x6 size: 2051 offset: 0x4fdac
16 Item 7: type: Annotations Ref Ref List 0x1002 size: 1 offset: 0x5fe0c
17 Item 8: type: Annotations Set Item 0x1003 size: 16 offset: 0x5fe14
18 Item 9: type: Code 0x2001 size: 13667 offset: 0x5fea8
19 Item 10: type: Annotations Directory 0x2006 size: 66 offset: 0x1345f0
20 Item 11: type: Type List 0x1001 size: 2434 offset: 0x134cc0
21 Item 12: type: String Data 0x2002 size: 13460 offset: 0x13aa44
22 Item 13: type: Annotation 0x2004 size: 17 offset: 0x18cea3
23 Item 14: type: Encoded Array 0x2005 size: 182 offset: 0x18cf41
24 Item 15: type: Map 0x2000 size: 1998 offset: 0x18efc8
25 Item 16: type: Map List 0x1000 size: 1 offset: 0x1a9114
26 Link: 0 bytes @0x0
27 String IDs: 13460 strings @0x70
28 Type IDs: 2826 types @0xd2c0
29 Field IDs: 6920 fields @0x1ba14
30 Proto IDs: 3993 protos @0xfee8
31 Method IDs: 19819 methods @0x29254
32 Class Defs: 2051 classes @0x4fdac
33 Data: 1348568 bytes @0x5fe0c
b. 查看dex类信息:
1 # ./dextra.armv7 classes.dex | more
2 Warning: Constraint G6 (endian_tag) violated!
3 Class 0: public final a.a.a.a.a.a File: No string found (I
4 ndex: -1)
5 2 Instance Fields
6 1 Direct Methods
7 3 Virtual Methods
8 Class 1: public final enum a.a.a.a.a.b
9 extends Ljava/lang/Enum; File: No string found (Index: -1
10 )
11 6 static fields
12 4 Direct Methods
13 Class 2: public abstract a.a.a.a.a.c File: No string found (I
14 ndex: -1)
15 6 Virtual Methods
16 Class 3: public abstract a.a.a.a.a.d File: No string found (I
17 ndex: -1)
18 1 Virtual Methods
19 ......
c. 查看指定类的属性和方法:
1 #./dextra.armv7 -c com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity -f -m classes.dex <
2 Warning: Constraint G6 (endian_tag) violated!
3 Class 2040: public com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity
4 extends Lcom/wooyun/summit/BaseActivity; File: No string found (Index: -1)
5 8 Instance Fields
6 Field (6871) Name: b type: Landroid/widget/Button; Flags: 0x0
7 Field (6872) Name: c type: Landroid/widget/Button; Flags: 0x0
8 Field (6873) Name: d type: Landroid/widget/Button; Flags: 0x0
9 Field (6874) Name: e type: Landroid/widget/TextView; Flags: 0x0
10 Field (6875) Name: f type: Landroid/widget/TextView; Flags: 0x0
11 Field (6876) Name: g type: Landroid/widget/TextView; Flags: 0x0
12 Field (6877) Name: h type: Lcom/loopj/android/http/AsyncHttpClient; Flags: 0x4
13 Field (6878) Name: i type: Ljava/lang/String; Flags: 0x0
14 1 Direct Methods
15 Method (18861): <init> Access Flags: 0x10001 Params: () Returns: V // Constructor
16 6 Virtual Methods
17 Method (18862): a Access Flags: 0x1 Params: (ILjava/lang/String;) Returns: V
18 Method (18863): e Access Flags: 0x4 Params: () Returns: V
19 Method (18864): f Access Flags: 0x4 Params: () Returns: V
20 Method (18866): g Access Flags: 0x4 Params: () Returns: V
21 Method (18867): h Access Flags: 0x1 Params: () Returns: J
22 Method (18868): onStop Access Flags: 0x4 Params: () Returns: V
d. 用java方式展示上述内容:
1 #./dextra.armv7 -c com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity -f -m -j classes.dex <
2 Warning: Constraint G6 (endian_tag) violated!
3 /* 2040 */ public class com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity
4 extends com.wooyun.summit.BaseActivity {
5 /** 8 Instance Fields **/
6 android.widget.Button b;
7 android.widget.Button c;
8 android.widget.Button d;
9 android.widget.TextView e;
10 android.widget.TextView f;
11 android.widget.TextView g;
12 protected h;
13 java.lang.String i;
14 /** 1 Direct Methods **/
15 public void <init> (); // Constructor
16 /** 6 Virtual Methods **/
17 public void a (int, java.lang.String);
18 protected void e ();
19 protected void f ();
20 protected void g ();
21 public long h ();
22 protected void onStop ();
23 } // end class com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity
e. 反编译此类:
1 #./dextra.armv7 -c com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity -f -m -j -D classes.dex <
2 Warning: Constraint G6 (endian_tag) violated!
3 /* 2040 */ public class com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity
4 extends com.wooyun.summit.BaseActivity {
5 /** 8 Instance Fields **/
6 android.widget.Button b;
7 android.widget.Button c;
8 android.widget.Button d;
9 android.widget.TextView e;
10 android.widget.TextView f;
11 android.widget.TextView g;
12 protected h;
13 java.lang.String i;
14 /** 1 Direct Methods **/
15 public void <init> (); // Constructor
16 {
17 result = com.wooyun.summit.BaseActivity.<init>(v1); // (Method@18855(v1))
18 v0 = ""; // (String@9552)
19 com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.i = ""; // (Field@6878 = v0)
20 return;
22 } // end <init>
23 /** 6 Virtual Methods **/
24 public void a (int, java.lang.String);
25 {
26 // 2 Try/catch blocks
27 v0 = 0;
28 try { // 5 instructions
29 v3 = new a.a.a.a.g.g ; // (Type@184)
30 result = a.a.a.a.g.g.<init>(a.a.a.a.g.g, v8); // (Method@843(v3, v8))
31 try { // 12 instructions
32 v0 = new a.a.a.a.k.b ; // (Type@343)
33 v1 = "Content-Type"; // (String@1266)
34 v2 = "application/text"; // (String@7357)
35 result = a.a.a.a.k.b.<init>(a.a.a.a.k.b, "Content-Type", "application/text"); // (Method@2003(v0, v1, v2))
36 result = a.a.a.a.g.g.b(a.a.a.a.g.g, a.a.a.a.k.b); // (Method@846(v3, v0))
37 v0 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h; // (Field@6877)
38 v1 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.a; // (Field@6870)
39 v2 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.i; // (Field@6878)
40 v4 = "application/text"; // (String@7357)
41 v5 = new com.wooyun.summit.e ; // (Type@2461)
42 result = com.wooyun.summit.e.<init>(com.wooyun.summit.e, v6, v7); // (Method@18895(v5, v6, v7))
43 result =; // (Method@18382())
44 return;
45 } catch (Exception v0) {
46 v3 = v0;
47 } catch (Exception v0) {
49 } // end a
50 protected void e ();
51 {
52 // Not handling const yet.. This is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
53 result = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.setContentView(v1, v0); // (Method@18869(v1, v0))
54 // Not handling const yet.. This is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
55 result = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.findViewById(v1, v0); // (Method@18865(v1, v0))
56 v0 = result;
57 (android.widget.Button) v0; // (Type@2188)
58 com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.b = v0; // (Field@6871 = v0)
59 // Not handling const yet.. This is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
60 result = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.findViewById(v1, v0); // (Method@18865(v1, v0))
61 v0 = result;
62 (android.widget.TextView) v0; // (Type@2235)
63 com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.e = v0; // (Field@6874 = v0)
64 // Not handling const yet.. This is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
65 result = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.findViewById(v1, v0); // (Method@18865(v1, v0))
66 v0 = result;
67 (android.widget.Button) v0; // (Type@2188)
68 com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.c = v0; // (Field@6872 = v0)
69 // Not handling const yet.. This is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
70 result = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.findViewById(v1, v0); // (Method@18865(v1, v0))
71 v0 = result;
72 (android.widget.TextView) v0; // (Type@2235)
73 com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.f = v0; // (Field@6875 = v0)
74 // Not handling const yet.. This is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
75 result = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.findViewById(v1, v0); // (Method@18865(v1, v0))
76 v0 = result;
77 (android.widget.Button) v0; // (Type@2188)
78 com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.d = v0; // (Field@6873 = v0)
79 // Not handling const yet.. This is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
80 result = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.findViewById(v1, v0); // (Method@18865(v1, v0))
81 v0 = result;
82 (android.widget.TextView) v0; // (Type@2235)
83 com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.g = v0; // (Field@6876 = v0)
84 return;
86 } // end e
87 protected void f ();
88 {
89 v3 = 1;
90 v0 = new ; // (Type@2397)
91 result =<init>(; // (Method@18330(v0))
92 com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h =; // (Field@6877 = v0)
93 v0 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h; // (Field@6877)
94 result =; // (Method@18363(v0))
95 v0 = result;
96 result = a.a.a.a.b.j.a(com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h); // (Method@361(v0))
97 v0 = result;
98 v1 = "http.protocol.allow-circular-redirects"; // (String@9519)
99 result = java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(1); // (Method@19035(v3))
100 v2 = result;
101 result = a.a.a.a.l.e.a(com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h, "http.protocol.allow-circular-redirects", v2); // (Method@2213(v0, v1, v2))
102 v0 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h; // (Field@6877)
103 v1 = 6000;
104 result =, 6000); // (Method@18423(v0, v1))
105 v0 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h; // (Field@6877)
106 v1 = 3000;
107 result =, 1, 3000); // (Method@18416(v0, v3, v1))
108 return;
110 } // end f
111 protected void g ();
112 {
113 v0 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.b; // (Field@6871)
114 v1 = new com.wooyun.summit.b ; // (Type@2458)
115 result = com.wooyun.summit.b.<init>(com.wooyun.summit.b, v2); // (Method@18889(v1, v2))
116 result = android.widget.Button.setOnClickListener(com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.b, com.wooyun.summit.b); // (Method@17017(v0, v1))
117 v0 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.c; // (Field@6872)
118 v1 = new com.wooyun.summit.c ; // (Type@2459)
119 result = com.wooyun.summit.c.<init>(com.wooyun.summit.c, v2); // (Method@18891(v1, v2))
120 result = android.widget.Button.setOnClickListener(com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.c, com.wooyun.summit.c); // (Method@17017(v0, v1))
121 v0 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.d; // (Field@6873)
122 v1 = new com.wooyun.summit.d ; // (Type@2460)
123 result = com.wooyun.summit.d.<init>(com.wooyun.summit.d, v2); // (Method@18893(v1, v2))
124 result = android.widget.Button.setOnClickListener(com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.d, com.wooyun.summit.d); // (Method@17017(v0, v1))
125 return;
127 } // end g
128 public long h ();
129 {
130 v0 = new java.util.Date ; // (Type@2636)
131 result = java.util.Date.<init>(java.util.Date); // (Method@19557(v0))
132 result = java.util.Date.getTime(java.util.Date); // (Method@19559(v0))
133 v0 = result;
134 { v2, v3 } = 1000; // @TODO here
135 // Not handling div-long/2addr yet.. This is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
136 return java.util.Date // v0;
138 } // end h
139 protected void onStop ();
140 {
141 result = com.wooyun.summit.BaseActivity.onStop(v3); // (Method@18860(v3))
142 v0 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h; // (Field@6877)
143 if (com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h != null) // if-eqz v0, +10 = 0xf ;
144 {
145 v0 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.h; // (Field@6877)
146 v1 = com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.a; // (Field@6870)
147 v2 = 1;
148 result =, com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity.a, 1); // (Method@18342(v0, v1, v2))
149 };
150 return;
152 } // end onStop
153 } // end class com.wooyun.summit.MainActivity
- 再来看看分析OAT:
a. 查看oat头信息:
1 # ./dextra.armv7 -h fm.oat
2 M (PR3) OAT file (064)
3 Checksum: 0x906c6169
4 Instruction set: Thumb2 -a53
5 DEX files: 13
6 Executable offset: 0x1ec9000
7 Interpreter to interpreter bridge @0x1ec9001
8 Interpreter to compiled code bridge @0x1ec9009
9 JNI DLSym Lookup @0x1ec9011
10 portable resolution trampoline @0x1ec9029 (0x72be0029)
11 Portable to interpreter bridge @0x1ec9031 (0x72be0031)
12 Generic JNI Trampoline @0x1ec9039 (0x72be0039)
13 Quick IMT conflict trampoline @0x338000
14 Key value store Len: 2301
15 Key: debuggable Value: false
16 Key: dex2oat-cmdline Value: --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx64m --image-classes=frameworks/base/preloaded-classes --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core-libart_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/conscrypt_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/okhttp_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core-junit_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/bouncycastle_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/ext_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/framework_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/telephony-common_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/voip-common_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/ims-common_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/apache-xml_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-file=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/org.apache.http.legacy.boot_intermediates/javalib.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/core-libart.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/conscrypt.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/okhttp.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/core-junit.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/ext.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/framework.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/telephony-common.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/voip-common.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/ims-common.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/apache-xml.jar --dex-location=/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar --oat-symbols=out/target/product/angler/symbols/system/framework/arm/boot.oat --oat-file=out/target/product/angler/dex_bootjars/system/framework/arm/boot.oat --oat-location=/system/framework/arm/boot.oat --image=out/target/product/angler/dex_bootjars/system/framework/arm/ --base=0x70000000 --instruction-set=arm --instruction-set-variant=cortex-a7 --instruction-set-features=default --android-root=out/target/product/angler/system --include-patch-information --runtime-arg -Xnorelocate --no-generate-debug-info
17 Key: dex2oat-host Value: X86_64
18 Key: pic Value: false
b. 从oat中抽取dex:
1 # ./dextra.armv7 -dextract fm.oat
2 M (PR3) OAT file (064)
3 Dex header @0xf211a45c (3137 classes) at 0xf45c: /system/framework/core-libart.jar
4 Written to system@framework@core-libart.jar@classes.dex
5 Dex header @0xf25f9b6c (158 classes) at 0x4eeb6c: /system/framework/conscrypt.jar
6 Written to system@framework@conscrypt.jar@classes.dex
7 Dex header @0xf263bdb0 (214 classes) at 0x530db0: /system/framework/okhttp.jar
8 Written to system@framework@okhttp.jar@classes.dex
9 Dex header @0xf2699bb0 (20 classes) at 0x58ebb0: /system/framework/core-junit.jar
10 Written to system@framework@core-junit.jar@classes.dex
11 Dex header @0xf269fc60 (915 classes) at 0x594c60: /system/framework/bouncycastle.jar
12 Written to system@framework@bouncycastle.jar@classes.dex
13 Dex header @0xf27d0030 (599 classes) at 0x6c5030: /system/framework/ext.jar
14 Written to system@framework@ext.jar@classes.dex
15 Dex header @0xf28bf180 (6075 classes) at 0x7b4180: /system/framework/framework.jar
16 Written to system@framework@framework.jar@classes.dex
17 Dex header @0xf326a688 (2008 classes) at 0x115f688: /system/framework/framework.jar:classes2.dex
18 Written to system@framework@framework.jar:classes2.dex@classes.dex
19 Dex header @0xf3689084 (553 classes) at 0x157e084: /system/framework/telephony-common.jar
20 Written to system@framework@telephony-common.jar@classes.dex
21 Dex header @0xf383cd70 (73 classes) at 0x1731d70: /system/framework/voip-common.jar
22 Written to system@framework@voip-common.jar@classes.dex
23 Dex header @0xf38624b0 (41 classes) at 0x17574b0: /system/framework/ims-common.jar
24 Written to system@framework@ims-common.jar@classes.dex
25 Dex header @0xf387ce20 (655 classes) at 0x1771e20: /system/framework/apache-xml.jar
26 Written to system@framework@apache-xml.jar@classes.dex
27 Dex header @0xf39af138 (448 classes) at 0x18a4138: /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar
28 Written to system@framework@org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar@classes.dex
c. 抽取结果:
1 # ls -al
2 -rw-r--r-- root root 56842760 2016-06-23 16:38 fm.oat
3 -rw------- root root 1254168 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@apache-xml.jar@classes.dex
4 -rw------- root root 1246160 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@bouncycastle.jar@classes.dex
5 -rw------- root root 270916 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@conscrypt.jar@classes.dex
6 -rw------- root root 24752 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@core-junit.jar@classes.dex
7 -rw------- root root 5109520 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@core-libart.jar@classes.dex
8 -rw------- root root 979280 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@ext.jar@classes.dex
9 -rw------- root root 4319740 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@framework.jar:classes2.dex@classes.dex
10 -rw------- root root 10138888 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@framework.jar@classes.dex
11 -rw------- root root 108912 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@ims-common.jar@classes.dex
12 -rw------- root root 384512 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@okhttp.jar@classes.dex
13 -rw------- root root 500104 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar@classes.dex
14 -rw------- root root 1785068 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@telephony-common.jar@classes.dex
15 -rw------- root root 153408 2016-06-23 16:41 system@framework@voip-common.jar@classes.dex
d. 也可以像上面一样直接看某个类的信息:
1 # ./dextra.armv7 -c -m -f -j -D fm.oat |more <
2 // core-libart.jar: Class 330 @0x1921408 (Landroid/icu/impl/Utility;)
3 class{
4 static void <clinit> (); // Class Constructor
5 {
6 v1 = 16;
7 // Not handling const-string/jumbo yet.. This is not a bug.. YOU
8 try to implement your own JVM!
9 result = java.lang.System.getProperty(v0); // (Method@13627(v0))
11 v0 = result;
12 = v0; // (Field@1482)
13 v0 = new char[] // Not handling fill-array-data yet.. Th
14 is is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
15 = v0; // (Field@1481)
16 v0 = new char[] // Not handling fill-array-data yet.. Th
17 is is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
18 = v0; // (Field@1484)
19 v0 = 36;
20 v0 = new char[] // Not handling fill-array-data yet.. Th
21 is is not a bug.. YOU try to implement your own JVM!
22 = v0; // (Field@1478)
23 return;
24 /* 0x23 nop */
25 /* 0024: fill-array-data-payload (16 elements, w
26 idth 2) */
27 /* array[0] = 48 */
28 /* array[1] = 49 */