Learning Git

2018-04-12  本文已影响0人  咸鱼干lili


Chap-1 Git workflow


Git commands - to help keep track of changes make to a project:

  1. git init : create a new Git repository

  2. git status: inspect the contents of the working directory and staging area

  3. git add: adds files from the woking directory to the staging area

  4. git diff: shows the difference between the working directory and the staging area

  5. git commit: permanently store file changes form the staging area in the repository ( e.g.: git commit -m “add a line ” )

Chap-2 Backtrack in Git

  1. git checkout HEAD filename: Discards changes in the working directory

  2. git reset HEAD filename: Unstage file changes in the staging area

  3. git reset commit_SHA: reset to a previous commit in your commit history

  4. git add filename_1 filename_2 : add multiple files to the staging area with a single command

Chap-3 Branch (重点)

Git branching allows users to experiment with different versions of project by checking out separate branches to work on.

  1. git branch: lists all a Git project’s branches. ( 1) include: master / other branches; 2) * mark means where you are)

  2. git branch branch_name: creates a new branch


    (The master and fencing branches are identical: they share the same exact commit history)

  3. git checkout branch_name: used to switch from one branch to another ( commands on this branch have no impact on master)

  4. git merge branch_name: used to join file changes from one branch to another (Fast-forward :The merge is a "fast forward" because Git recognizes that fencing contains the most recent commit. )

  5. git branch -d branch_name: Deletes the branch specified

Chap-4 Git Teamwork

A remote is a Git repository that lives outside your Git project folder.

  1. git clone: creates a local copy of a remote

  2. git remote -v: lists a Git project’s remotes

  3. git fetch: fetches work from the remote into the local copy

  4. git merge origin/master: Merges origin/master into your local branch

  5. git push origin branch_name: pushes a local branch to the origin remote



