Be clear on whether you are argu
"g. Be clear on whether you are arguing or seeking to understand, and think about which is most appropriate based on your and others’ believability. If both parties are peers, it’s appropriate to argue. But if one person is clearly more knowledgeable than the other, it is preferable for the less knowledgeable person to approach the more knowledgeable one as a student and for the more knowledgeable one to act as a teacher. Doing this well requires you to understand the concept of believability. I define believable people as those who have repeatedly and successfully accomplished the thing in question— who have a strong track record with at least three successes—and have great explanations of their approach when probed.
g.搞清楚你是在争论还是在试图理解一个问 题,并根据你和对方的可信度,想想哪种做法最 合理。如果双方水平相当,争论就是合理的;如 果一方在这方面明确比另一方更有知识,就应该 让一方做老师,另一方做学生去请教。要做好这 一点,你必须理解“可信度”这一概念。我定义 的“可信”的人有两个特征:曾反复地在相关领域 成功找到答案(至少成功过三次,拥有过硬履 历);在被问责的情况下能对自己的观点做出很 好的解释。"