2020-07-02 本文已影响0人
1. 基础指标统计分析:
--PageView 浏览次数(PV):
select count(*) as pvs from dw_weblog_detail where datestr ="20181101";
select count(*) as pvs from dw_weblog_detail where datestr ="20181101" and valid = "true"; --过滤非法请求
--Unique Visitor 独立访客(UV):
select count(distinct remote_user) as uvs from dw_weblog_detail where datestr ="20181101"; --以cookie统计 精确度高
select count(distinct remote_addr) as uvs from dw_weblog_detail where datestr ="20181101"; --以ip统计,精确度低
select count(distinct session) as vvs from ods_click_stream_visit where datestr ="20181101";
select count(distinct remote_addr) as ips from dw_weblog_detail where datestr ="20181101";
drop table dw_webflow_basic_info;
create table dw_webflow_basic_info(month string,day string,
pv bigint,uv bigint,ip bigint,vv bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);
insert into table dw_webflow_basic_info partition(datestr="20181101")
select '201811','01',a.*,b.* from
(select count(*) as pv,count(distinct remote_addr) as uv,count(distinct remote_addr) as ips
from dw_weblog_detail
where datestr ='20181101') a join
(select count(distinct session) as vvs from ods_click_stream_visit where datestr ="20181101") b;
2. 多维度统计分析:注意gruop by语句的语法
drop table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday;
create table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday(month string,day string,hour string,pvs bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);
insert into table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday partition(datestr='20181101')
select a.month as month,a.day as day,a.hour as hour,count(*) as pvs from dw_weblog_detail a
where a.datestr='20181101' group by a.month,a.day,a.hour;
drop table dw_pvs_everyday;
create table dw_pvs_everyday(pvs bigint,month string,day string);
insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
select count(*) as pvs,a.month as month,a.day as day from dw_weblog_detail a
group by a.month,a.day;
drop table dw_pvs_everyday;
create table dw_pvs_everyday(pvs bigint,month string,day string);
insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
select count(*) as pvs,a.month as month,a.day as day from (select distinct month, day from t_dim_time) a
join dw_weblog_detail b
on a.month=b.month and a.day=b.day
group by a.month,a.day;
drop table dw_pvs_everymonth;
create table dw_pvs_everymonth (pvs bigint,month string);
insert into table dw_pvs_everymonth
select count(*) as pvs,a.month from (select distinct month from t_dim_time) a
join dw_weblog_detail b on a.month=b.month group by a.month;
Insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
Select sum(pvs) as pvs,month,day from dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday group by month,day having day='18';
--统计每小时各来访url产生的pv量,查询结果存入:( "dw_pvs_referer_everyhour" )
drop table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour;
create table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour(referer_url string,referer_host string,month string,day string,hour string,pv_referer_cnt bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);
insert into table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour partition(datestr='20181101')
select http_referer,ref_host,month,day,hour,count(1) as pv_referer_cnt
from dw_weblog_detail
group by http_referer,ref_host,month,day,hour
having ref_host is not null
order by hour asc,day asc,month asc,pv_referer_cnt desc;
drop table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour;
create table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour(ref_host string,month string,day string,hour string,ref_host_cnts bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);
insert into table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour partition(datestr='20181101')
select ref_host,month,day,hour,count(1) as ref_host_cnts
from dw_weblog_detail
group by ref_host,month,day,hour
having ref_host is not null
order by hour asc,day asc,month asc,ref_host_cnts desc;
3. 复合指标统计分析
- 需求描述:统计今日所有来访者平均请求的页面数。
- 总页面请求数pv/去重总人数uv
drop table dw_avgpv_user_everyday;
create table dw_avgpv_user_everyday(
day string,
avgpv string);
insert into table dw_avgpv_user_everyday
select '20181101',pv/uv from dw_webflow_basic_info;
insert into table dw_avgpv_user_everyday
select '20181101',sum(b.pvs)/count(b.remote_addr) from
(select remote_addr,count(*) as pvs from dw_weblog_detail where datestr='20181101' group by remote_addr) b;
- 平均每个独立访客一天内访问网站的次数(产生的session个数)。
- 计算方式:访问次数vv/独立访客数uv
select count(session)/ count(distinct remote_addr) from ods_click_stream_visit where datestr ="20181101"; --符合逻辑
- 平均每次访问(会话)在网站上的停留时间。
- 体现网站对访客的吸引程度。
- 平均访问时长=访问总时长/访问次数。
select session, sum(page_staylong) as web_staylong from ods_click_pageviews where datestr ="20181101" group by session;
(select session, sum(page_staylong) as web_staylong from ods_click_pageviews where datestr ="20181101"
group by session) a;
- 跳出率是指用户到网站上仅浏览了一个页面就离开的访问次数与所有访问次数的百分比。
- 是评价网站性能的重要指标。
/hadoop-mahout-roadmap/ 页面跳出率
select count(*) from ods_click_stream_visit where datestr ="20181101";
select vv from dw_webflow_basic_info where datestr ="20181101";
浏览/hadoop-mahout-roadmap/一个页面 并且离开的人数
select count(*) from ods_click_stream_visit where datestr ="20181101"
and pagevisits = 1 and outpage = "/hadoop-mahout-roadmap/";
from dw_webflow_basic_info a join (select count(*) as nums from ods_click_stream_visit where datestr ="20181101"
and pagevisits = 1 and outpage = "/hadoop-mahout-roadmap/") b;
4. 流量分析
- 需求:按照时间维度,统计一天内各小时产生最多pvs的来源topN
select ref_host,ref_host_cnts,concat(month,day,hour),
row_number() over (partition by concat(month,day,hour) order by ref_host_cnts desc) as od
from dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour;
drop table dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour;
create table (
hour string,
toporder string,
ref_host string,
ref_host_cnts string
)partitioned by(datestr string);
insert into table dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour partition(datestr='20181101')
select t.hour,t.od,t.ref_host,t.ref_host_cnts from
(select ref_host,ref_host_cnts,concat(month,day,hour) as hour,
row_number() over (partition by concat(month,day,hour) order by ref_host_cnts desc) as od
from dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour) t where od<=3;
- 各页面访问统计
select request as request,count(request) as request_counts from
dw_weblog_detail group by request having request is not null order by request_counts desc limit 20;
- 热门页面统计
drop table dw_hotpages_everyday;
create table dw_hotpages_everyday(day string,url string,pvs string);
insert into table dw_hotpages_everyday
select '20181101',a.request,a.request_counts from
(select request as request,count(request) as request_counts from dw_weblog_detail where datestr='20181101' group by request having request is not null) a
order by a.request_counts desc limit 10;
5. 访客分析
- 独立访客
drop table dw_user_dstc_ip_h;
create table dw_user_dstc_ip_h(
remote_addr string,
pvs bigint,
hour string);
insert into table dw_user_dstc_ip_h
select remote_addr,count(1) as pvs,concat(month,day,hour) as hour
from dw_weblog_detail
Where datestr='20181101'
group by concat(month,day,hour),remote_addr
order by hour asc,pvs desc;
select count(1) as dstc_ip_cnts,hour from dw_user_dstc_ip_h group by hour;
select remote_addr,count(1) as counts,concat(month,day) as day
from dw_weblog_detail
Where datestr='20181101'
group by concat(month,day),remote_addr;
时间维度: 月
select remote_addr,count(1) as counts,month
from dw_weblog_detail
group by month,remote_addr;
- 每日新访客
drop table dw_user_dsct_history;
create table dw_user_dsct_history(
day string,
ip string
partitioned by(datestr string);
drop table dw_user_new_d;
create table dw_user_new_d (
day string,
ip string
partitioned by(datestr string);
insert into table dw_user_new_d partition(datestr='20181101')
select tmp.day as day,tmp.today_addr as new_ip from
select today.day as day,today.remote_addr as today_addr,old.ip as old_addr
(select distinct remote_addr as remote_addr,"20181101" as day from dw_weblog_detail where datestr="20181101") today
left outer join
dw_user_dsct_history old
on today.remote_addr=old.ip
) tmp
where tmp.old_addr is null;
insert into table dw_user_dsct_history partition(datestr='20181101')
select day,ip from dw_user_new_d where datestr='20181101';
6. 访客visit分析
drop table dw_user_returning;
create table dw_user_returning(
day string,
remote_addr string,
acc_cnt string)
partitioned by (datestr string);
insert overwrite table dw_user_returning partition(datestr='20181101')
select tmp.day,tmp.remote_addr,tmp.acc_cnt
(select '20181101' as day,remote_addr,count(session) as acc_cnt from ods_click_stream_visit group by remote_addr) tmp
where tmp.acc_cnt>1;