Listening Day6 IELTS 5-1-4

2019-04-22  本文已影响0人  米妮爱分享

Listening Day6 IELTS 5-1-4




听n边:IELTS 5-1-4,一字一句

Saving for future

第一类:由于读得快,没辨认出来 第二类:由于不认识单词,没听出来
1.we've been looking at 我们一直在调查 4.unwilling to accept essential instruction.不愿意接受指教
1.the attitudes of various social and cultural groups 不同社会和文化群体的态度 4.fewer pretensons,n.借口,自吹
4.the British writer 英国作家 5.assumptions , n, 假设 though these days people might question a lot of the assumptions contained in those statements.
4.Intelligent Women's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism 智慧女性之社会主义和资本主义指南 8.takes a surprisingly large amount of 令人惊讶,占据大部分
7:North America 北美 15.a poverty cycle 贫穷的循环
8.household budget 家庭预算 takes a crisis to make 需要一场危机去... it takes a crisis to make them think about their future financial situation
14.a partner , 配偶 21.not wait until 直到才...
21,look ahead,think ahead,高瞻远瞩 frofessional positions 专业化岗位
21.under pressure, not wait until they're under pressure. 在压力下 22.there are signs, 这是标志
23.effectively,that women avoid dealing effectively with their economic situation because of a lack of condifence. 24.informed, getting themselves properly informed ,给他们适当的提醒。
26.educational institutions 教育学院 25.initiatives,n,方法
26.night classes, 夜间课程 28.stocks and shares, 股票和证券
28.extremely profitable,非常盈利 29.low-risk investments,
30.economic skills 29.taking some well-informed risks.了解一些风险投资
30.they need for 31.economic consequences, 经济后果

