
要成为一个有影响力的领导或先被影响的人?To be an inf

2017-08-20  本文已影响0人  心澈Joseph


How often when we say we openly listen to others for ideas, we practically start with our own agenda, things we want to convey quickly to the team,... and end up dysfunctional?

我最近在学习一个词叫 Attention Currency. 它的意思是如果我们能真诚地先关注别人,对方会同样甚至多倍的回报关注我们。所得到的利益与money currency 流通货币是同一性质。还有,如果能持之以恒去关注别人,流通关注attention currency 只会增值,不受外界如金融危机的影响而破坏。

Recently, I am studying a term Attention Currency, which simply means that if you can authentically attend to others, others will attend to  you in multiple times, the benefit generated is comparable to the money currency, while it will only appreciate when you keep on doing it and it will not be destroyed by external circumstances like financial crisis.


I see the link between authentically attentive to others and effective communication.  Attention is a choice you can make and perform and it affects our attitude and then behavior, so it is fundamental. In Chinese, it is called 恭敬心。It encompasses respect and is a counteract of arrogance.


Only  with this fundamental, can can talk about effective communication and the various related skills, like deep listening, asking inviting question, summarizing for agreement and commitment...


When we get to effective  two-way conversations, the real magice is that they break the cycle of predictable, ineffective communication, replacing it with fresh thinking and actionable solutions.


When leaders are genuinely interested in what others are seeing, thinking, and feeling — not as a way to get buy-in, but because the group has phycological safety, information and insights they need — they make better decisions.


当领导愿意先接受别人的影响(关注他人),他人也会更开放地接受领导的影响了 (被别人关注)!

And such leaders are more likely to earn the buy-in of those involved, because everyone sees the merits of the plan. When leaders engage with a willingness to be influenced (attentive), others are more open to being influenced (attentive to you) as well.


Successful coaching is based on a trust relationship. Without trust there is no start sand growth of an all weather relationship. How does one throw that attention switch? How do you transform a casual acquaintance relationship to become a trust relationship where a client will trust you with their most precious family business etc. that must be based on this attention or trust currency.

这是一个keystone 基石的提问???给于每个教练。Keystone decision 基石决定是指一件事,如能开展,便能引发正向的连鎖反应导致预期成功。它改变原来轧跡及在改进路上提升前行速度。

That is the keystone question for every coach and service professional advisor. That keystone is the key decision that if done properly starts the chain reaction to all good things. It changes the trajectory and the velocity on that improved trajectory.

~感谢 My grateful thanks to Nicholas Chen and James Warner for  their sharing of insight and information sources.

Joseph 陈宝权

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