
2018-04-01  本文已影响9人  35ea4264be01

听: 早晚岳阳楼记,上学路上big bad bug ,牙牙学语,清华英语0A0B

看: 清华英语firemen 和big bad bug 清华汉语 找妈妈和虫虫飞


P: "Drive the fire truck. Hurry! Hurry!

(吹哨..) Put on your helmet Put on your coat Get in the fire truck. Hurry up!Grab the hose(. let's go!

P&K: " Drive the fire truck. Hurry! Hurry! Look for the fire. Hurry! Hurry

P: Oh. look. The wardrobe is on fire

P&K:" Climb! Climb the ladder. Hurry!Hury!(把小凳子放在柜子旁)Use the hose Spray the water to the wardrobe. I turn on the water

(家长配合假装在旁边转下水阀)“ Spray! Spray the water.Hurry!

DP: Fireman, you did a great job.(俩人击掌庆祝) Get in the truck.Let's go

P&K: "Drive the fire truck. Hurry! Hurry! Look for the fire. Hurry! Hurry!

P:Oh, the wall is on fire.“ Climb! Climb the ladder.Hury!Hury!Use the hose Spray the water to the wall.I turn on the water.“ Spray! Spray the water.Hurry!

DP: Fireman, you did a great job.(俩人击掌庆祝) Get in the truck.Let's go

P&K: "Drive the fire truck. Hurry! Hurry! Look for the fire. Hurry! Hurry!

P:Oh, the paper box is on fire.“ Climb! Climb the ladder.Hury!Hury!Use the hose Spray the water to the paper bo. I turn on the water.“ Spray! Spray the water.Hurry!

P: We have put out all the fires. Lets go back to the Fire Station

P&K: Drive the fire truck. Hurry! Hurry!

数学: 夜聊时玩了"几个字"的游戏,我故意说错,她数手指,告诉我对的,后来一直聚焦在三个字上,我就想清华汉语里有三个字的题目,小豆芽,拍饼子,拧麻花等,我说卷白菜,他告诉我得是卷卷卷卷白菜六个字,我说小海螺,她告诉我得是小海螺和大鲸鱼七个字,我说大老鼠,她告诉我得是凶恶的大老鼠六个字,呵呵,相关的得在一起才行。


读书: 我们吃晚饭的时候天天自己读 坐巴士出去玩,看他一页一页翻的挺认真

睡前伊伊共读她自己选的书 特别的日子(估计时过生日吸引了她) 蚂蚁和西瓜(这本书进行了接读)

天天表现: 只要吃饱了,特别会自己玩,玩沙,能自己跳进沙箱里了(有个矮矮的边),推凳子,按乐高,看书,扔书,拿棍子敲敲敲

会说姐姐 吃吃 大 起 不

伊伊表现: 昨天说一首手指谣,开头是春天春天桃花开,她直接接一句: 开出一棵小青菜,今天我又说的时候,她又接一句: 开出一层白,韵脚压的很好呢!

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