
2021-08-27  本文已影响0人  张亚伦


trigger: 枪上的扳机
Pull the trigger. 扣动扳机。
It's time for you to pull the trigger. 做点什么(停止或者开始做什么)。
I feel so triggered. 我崩溃了。
trigger warning (violence, bad language): 不适警告
triggered warning in media: Some of our viewers or listeners might find the following content contain strong language.
Snowflakes are triggered by anything. 玻璃心的人会对什么都容易崩溃。
people don't do what they said they would do. 说的和做的不一致。

being told to do something that I'm already doing. 让我去做我已经在做的事。
People change lanes without signalling. 开车变道不打灯。
words. (令人不适的)文字。
triggered: 烦到爆炸
annoyed: 恼怒的
annoying: 令人恼怒的
bug (n.): 虫子;故障
bug (v.): 烦人
bugged: 烦躁的
I feel bugged. 我很烦。
irritated: 恼怒的
bothered: 烦恼的
frustrated: 沮丧的(很烦却无力改变)
I feel frustrated. 我感觉好挫败。
It's so frustrating. 它是如此令人沮丧。
get on your nerves: 触动神经的
nerve: 神经
set you off: (让你)爆发
yelling or screaming: 大喊大叫或尖叫
Do some self-reflection. 自我反省一下。
What triggers us often says more about ourselves than the other person. 让我们生气的事情往往更多地反映了我们自己,而不是别人。
Why does that bug me? 为什么(那件事)会令我烦躁?


