13\100 do you know land and wat

2017-09-12  本文已影响7人  桩主不会修桩

earth is made up of land and water
this is a picture of Earth
Can you tell which part is land ?
which part is water ?
Earth has different kinds of land .
a mountain is the highest form of land
a hill lower than a mountain
a valley is the low land between mountains
a valley is usually narrow
some land is flat
Flat land is called a plain
a plain is good for farming

a desert is a dry land
a desert has very little rain
An island is surrounded by water
Earth has differnt kinds of water
An ocean is the largest body of water
Ocean cover much of our earth
A lake is a large body of water
It is surrounded by land
A river is a long body of water
It flows into an ocean

以上是关于 land and water 的句子,要求孩子能够念绕口令一样说出来!
我家孩子的办法 ,是早起说一半,晚上说一半。一天基本能够搞定!

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