Don’t let age stop you

2021-01-16  本文已影响0人  _浅墨_

Success is relative and subjective.

There is no universal definition of success -- it's yours to decide.

You know, the most worthwhile purpose in life is to become yourself, whatever that might mean to you, no matter your age. We all succeed on a different timeline.

It's never too late to choose yourself

When you choose yourself, you can boost your self-confidence,pursue your personal goals and do more of what makes you come alive.

You will also teach people how to treat you by showing them that your thoughts, you can't expect others to see your value if you don't see it for yourself.

It's never too late to learn something new

The point of happiness and success is grasping each opportunity that comes along, not grasping it by a certain age.

Pick up a paintbrush, dust off the piano, or white a new business plan, whatever your dream is, go for it.

It's not too late for you to travel around the world; become an accomplished cook;skydrive;write a book; get an advanced degree; save for your old age...

Remember, it's never too late to go after our dreams and never too late to achieve the success that is meaningful for us.

2021.01.16 at nightfall
Shanghai Erlian

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