

2020-03-06  本文已影响0人  wonphen

《精通机器学习:基于R 第二版》学习笔记


> library(pacman)
> p_load(MASS, dplyr, ggplot2)
> data("biopsy")
> str(biopsy)
## 'data.frame':    699 obs. of  11 variables:
##  $ ID   : chr  "1000025" "1002945" "1015425" "1016277" ...
##  $ V1   : int  5 5 3 6 4 8 1 2 2 4 ...
##  $ V2   : int  1 4 1 8 1 10 1 1 1 2 ...
##  $ V3   : int  1 4 1 8 1 10 1 2 1 1 ...
##  $ V4   : int  1 5 1 1 3 8 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ V5   : int  2 7 2 3 2 7 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ V6   : int  1 10 2 4 1 10 10 1 1 1 ...
##  $ V7   : int  3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 1 2 ...
##  $ V8   : int  1 2 1 7 1 7 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ V9   : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 ...
##  $ class: Factor w/ 2 levels "benign","malignant": 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ...

 ID :样本编码
 V1 :细胞浓度
 V2 :细胞大小均匀度
 V3 :细胞形状均匀度
 V4 :边缘黏着度
 V5 :单上皮细胞大小
 V6 :裸细胞核(16个观测值缺失)
 V7 :平和染色质
 V8 :正常核仁
 V9 :有丝分裂状态
 class :肿瘤诊断结果,良性或恶性;这就是我们要预测的结果变量


> # 删除ID列
> biopsy$ID <- NULL
> # 换成有意义的列名
> names(biopsy) <- c("thick", "u.size", "u.shape", "ashsn", "s.size", "nucl", "chrom", "n.nuc", "mit", "class")
> # 删除缺失值
> df <- na.omit(biopsy)
> # 用箱线图检查各个特征
> df2 <- reshape2::melt(df[, -11], value.name = "value")
> head(df2)
##       class variable value
## 1    benign    thick     5
## 2    benign    thick     5
## 3    benign    thick     3
## 4    benign    thick     6
## 5    benign    thick     4
## 6 malignant    thick     8
> ggplot(df2, aes(class, value)) + geom_boxplot(outlier.color = "red") + 
      labs(y = "", x = "") + facet_wrap(~variable, ncol = 3)


1.1 检查相关性

> df[, 1:9] %>% cor %>% corrplot::corrplot.mixed()


1.2 划分训练集和测试集

> # 按70/30比例划分
> set.seed(123)
> ind <- sample(2, nrow(df), replace = T, prob = c(0.7, 0.3))
> train <- df[ind == 1, ]
> test <- df[ind == 2, ]
> str(test)
## 'data.frame':    209 obs. of  10 variables:
##  $ thick  : int  5 6 4 2 1 7 6 7 1 3 ...
##  $ u.size : int  4 8 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 2 ...
##  $ u.shape: int  4 8 1 2 1 6 1 2 1 1 ...
##  $ ashsn  : int  5 1 3 1 1 4 1 10 1 1 ...
##  $ s.size : int  7 3 2 2 1 6 2 5 2 1 ...
##  $ nucl   : int  10 4 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 ...
##  $ chrom  : int  3 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 2 ...
##  $ n.nuc  : int  2 7 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 ...
##  $ mit    : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 ...
##  $ class  : Factor w/ 2 levels "benign","malignant": 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ...
##  - attr(*, "na.action")= 'omit' Named int  24 41 140 146 159 165 236 250 276 293 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr  "24" "41" "140" "146" ...
> # 检查拆分后是否均衡
> table(train$class)
##    benign malignant 
##       302       172
> table(test$class)
##    benign malignant 
##       142        67


> full.fit <- glm(class ~ ., family = binomial, data = train)
> summary(full.fit)
## Call:
## glm(formula = class ~ ., family = binomial, data = train)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -3.3397  -0.1387  -0.0716   0.0321   2.3559  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)  -9.4293     1.2273  -7.683 1.55e-14 ***
## thick         0.5252     0.1601   3.280 0.001039 ** 
## u.size       -0.1045     0.2446  -0.427 0.669165    
## u.shape       0.2798     0.2526   1.108 0.268044    
## ashsn         0.3086     0.1738   1.776 0.075722 .  
## s.size        0.2866     0.2074   1.382 0.167021    
## nucl          0.4057     0.1213   3.344 0.000826 ***
## chrom         0.2737     0.2174   1.259 0.208006    
## n.nuc         0.2244     0.1373   1.635 0.102126    
## mit           0.4296     0.3393   1.266 0.205402    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 620.989  on 473  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance:  78.373  on 464  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 98.373
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8

可以看到,只有两个特征的p值小于0.05(thick和nucl)。使用 confint() 函数可以对模型进行95%置信区间的检验。如下所示:

> confint(full.fit)
##                    2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept) -12.23786660 -7.3421509
## thick         0.23250518  0.8712407
## u.size       -0.56108960  0.4212527
## u.shape      -0.24551513  0.7725505
## ashsn        -0.02257952  0.6760586
## s.size       -0.11769714  0.7024139
## nucl          0.17687420  0.6582354
## chrom        -0.13992177  0.7232904
## n.nuc        -0.03813490  0.5110293
## mit          -0.14099177  1.0142786

2.1 计算优势比

> exp(coef(full.fit))
##  (Intercept)        thick       u.size      u.shape        ashsn       s.size 
## 8.033466e-05 1.690879e+00 9.007478e-01 1.322844e+00 1.361533e+00 1.331940e+00 
##         nucl        chrom        n.nuc          mit 
## 1.500309e+00 1.314783e+00 1.251551e+00 1.536709e+00


2.2 检查潜在的多重共线性问题

> car::vif(full.fit)
##    thick   u.size  u.shape    ashsn   s.size     nucl    chrom    n.nuc    mit 
## 1.235204 3.248811 2.830353 1.302178 1.635668 1.372931 1.523493 1.343145  1.059707


2.3 检查模型的准确性

> train.prob <- predict(full.fit, type = "response")
> train.p <- ifelse(train.prob < 0.5, 0L, 1L)
> y <- ifelse(df$class == "benign", 0L, 1L)
> train.y <- y[ind == 1] 
> test.y <- y[ind == 2]
> caret::confusionMatrix(as.factor(train.y),as.factor(train.p))
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##                 Reference
## Prediction        0     1
##               0  294    8
##               1   7    165
##                Accuracy : 0.9684          
##                  95% CI : (0.9483, 0.9822)
##     No Information Rate : 0.635           
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16          
##                   Kappa : 0.9316          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1               
##             Sensitivity : 0.9767          
##             Specificity : 0.9538          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.9735          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.9593          
##              Prevalence : 0.6350          
##          Detection Rate : 0.6203          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.6371          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.9653          
##        'Positive' Class : 0  
> p_load(InformationValue)
> # 绘制ROC曲线
> plotROC(actuals = train.y, predictedScores = train.p, Show.labels = F, returnSensitivityMat = F)
> # 查看错误率
> misClassError(actuals = train.y, predictedScores = train.p)
## [1] 0.0316


> test.prob <- predict(full.fit, newdata = test, type = "response")
> test.p <- ifelse(test.prob < 0.5, 0, 1)
> misClassError(test.y, test.p)
## [1] 0.0239




> p_load(bestglm)
> # bestglm包需要将因子变量编码为0或1,并且要求结果变量必须是最后一列,删除所有没有用的列
> df3 <- df %>% 
+      mutate(y = case_when(class == "benign" ~ 0L, class == "malignant" ~ 1L)) %>%
+      select(-"class")
> head(df3)
##   thick u.size u.shape ashsn s.size nucl chrom n.nuc mit y
## 1     5      1       1     1      2    1     3     1   1 0
## 2     5      4       4     5      7   10     3     2   1 0
## 3     3      1       1     1      2    2     3     1   1 0
## 4     6      8       8     1      3    4     3     7   1 0
## 5     4      1       1     3      2    1     3     1   1 0
## 6     8     10      10     8      7   10     9     7   1 1
> train.2 <- df3[ind == 1, ]
> # Xy = train.2 指的是我们已经格式化的数据框 
> # IC = 'CV' 告诉程序使用的信息准则为交叉验证 
> # CVArgs 是我们要使用的交叉验证参数 
> # HTF 方法就是K折交叉验证,后面的数字 K = 10 指定了均分的份数 
> # REP = 1 告诉程序随机使用等份并且只迭代一次 
> # family = binomial,表示逻辑回归,如果family =gaussian 表示线性回归 
> # bestglm不支持tibble数据框

> bestglm(Xy = train.2, IC = "CV", CVArgs = list(Method = "HTF", K = 10, REP = 1), 
+     family = binomial)
## CV(K = 10, REP = 1)
## BICq equivalent for q in (7.16797006619085e-05, 0.273173435514231)
## Best Model:
##               Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -7.8147191 0.90996494 -8.587934 8.854687e-18
## thick        0.6188466 0.14713075  4.206100 2.598159e-05
## u.size       0.6582015 0.15295415  4.303260 1.683031e-05
## nucl         0.5725902 0.09922549  5.770596 7.899178e-09

将thick,u.size,nucl特征放到 glm() 函数中,看看模型在测试集上表现如何。 因为predict() 函数不能用于bestglm生成的模型,所以下面的步骤是必需的:

> reduce.fit <- glm(class ~ thick + u.size + nucl, family = binomial, data = train)
> test.prob.2 <- predict(reduce.fit, newdata = test, type = "response")
> test.p.2 <- ifelse(test.prob.2 < 0.5, 0L, 1L)
> misClassError(test.y, test.prob.2)
## [1] 0.0383


> bestglm(Xy = train.2, IC = "BIC", family = binomial)
## BIC
## BICq equivalent for q in (0.273173435514231, 0.577036596263757)
## Best Model:
##               Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -8.6169613 1.03155250 -8.353391 6.633065e-17
## thick        0.7113613 0.14751510  4.822295 1.419160e-06
## ashsn        0.4537948 0.15034294  3.018398 2.541153e-03
## nucl         0.5579922 0.09848156  5.665956 1.462068e-08
## n.nuc        0.4290854 0.11845720  3.622282 2.920152e-04


> bic.fit <- glm(class ~ thick + ashsn + nucl + n.nuc, family = binomial, data = train)
> test.prob.3 <- predict(bic.fit, newdata = test, type = "response")
> test.p.3 <- ifelse(test.prob.3 < 0.5, 0L, 1L)
> misClassError(test.y, test.p.3)
## [1] 0.0239




4.1 线性判别分析


> lda.fit <- lda(class ~ ., data = train)
> lda.fit
## Call:
## lda(class ~ ., data = train)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##    benign malignant 
## 0.6371308 0.3628692 
## Group means:
##             thick   u.size  u.shape    ashsn   s.size     nucl    chrom
## benign    2.92053 1.304636 1.413907 1.324503 2.115894 1.397351 2.082781
## malignant 7.19186 6.697674 6.686047 5.668605 5.500000 7.674419 5.959302
##              n.nuc      mit
## benign    1.225166 1.092715
## malignant 5.906977 2.639535
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
##                 LD1
## thick    0.19557291
## u.size   0.10555201
## u.shape  0.06327200
## ashsn    0.04752757
## s.size   0.10678521
## nucl     0.26196145
## chrom    0.08102965
## n.nuc    0.11691054
## mit     -0.01665454



> plot(lda.fit, type = "both")



> train.lda.class <- predict(lda.fit)$class
> # 创建一个计算错误率的函数
> test_err <- function(df, pre) {
+     n <- 0
+     for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
+         if (df$class[i] != pre[i]) 
+             n = n + 1
+     }
+     error <- n/nrow(df)
+     return(error)
+ }
> train.err <- test_err(train, train.lda.class)
> print(train.err)
## [1] 0.04008439


> test.lda <- predict(lda.fit, newdata = test)$class
> test.err <- test_err(test, test.lda)
> print(test.err)
## [1] 0.03827751


4.2 二次判别分析

> qda.fit <- qda(class ~ ., data = train)
> qda.fit
## Call:
## qda(class ~ ., data = train)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##    benign malignant 
## 0.6371308 0.3628692 
## Group means:
##             thick   u.size  u.shape    ashsn   s.size     nucl    chrom
## benign    2.92053 1.304636 1.413907 1.324503 2.115894 1.397351 2.082781
## malignant 7.19186 6.697674 6.686047 5.668605 5.500000 7.674419 5.959302
##              n.nuc      mit
## benign    1.225166 1.092715
## malignant 5.906977 2.639535
> # 查看QDA模型在训练集和测试集上的准确率
> train.qda <- predict(qda.fit)$class
> train.qda.err <- test_err(train, train.qda)
> print(train.qda.err)
## [1] 0.04219409
> test.qda <- predict(qda.fit, newdata = test)$class
> test.qda.err <- test_err(test, test.qda)
> print(test.qda.err)
## [1] 0.05263158


4.3 多元自适应回归样条方法

> p_load(earth)
> set.seed(111)
> # nfold = 5:5折交叉验证 
> # ncross = 3:重复3次 
> # degree = 1:使用没有交互项的加法
> # minspan = 1:每个输入特征只使用一个铰链函数。负值表示每个预测器的最大节数。这些是等距的。
> # 例如,minspan=-3允许每个预测器有三个均匀间隔的节点
> earth.fit <- earth(class ~ ., data = train, pmethod = "cv", nfold = 5, ncross = 3, 
+     degree = 1, minspan = -1, glm = list(family = binomial))
> summary(earth.fit)
## Call: earth(formula=class~., data=train, pmethod="cv",
##             glm=list(family=binomial), degree=1, nfold=5, ncross=3,
##             minspan=-1)
## GLM coefficients
##              malignant
## (Intercept) -6.5746417
## u.size       0.1502747
## ashsn        0.3058496
## s.size       0.3188098
## nucl         0.4426061
## n.nuc        0.2307595
## h(thick-3)   0.7019053
## h(3-chrom)  -0.6927319
## GLM (family binomial, link logit):
##  nulldev  df       dev  df   devratio     AIC iters converged
##  620.989 473   81.9098 466      0.868   97.91     8         1
## Earth selected 8 of 10 terms, and 7 of 9 predictors (pmethod="cv")
## Termination condition: RSq changed by less than 0.001 at 10 terms
## Importance: nucl, u.size, thick, n.nuc, chrom, s.size, ashsn, ...
## Number of terms at each degree of interaction: 1 7 (additive model)
## Earth GRSq 0.8354593  RSq 0.8450554  mean.oof.RSq 0.8330208 (sd 0.0468)
## pmethod="backward" would have selected the same model:
##     8 terms 7 preds,  GRSq 0.8354593  RSq 0.8450554  mean.oof.RSq 0.8330208



> plotmo(earth.fit)
##  plotmo grid:    thick u.size u.shape ashsn s.size nucl chrom n.nuc mit
##                      4      1       2     1      2    1     3     1   1


> plotd(earth.fit)


> # nsubsets表示精简过程完成之后包含这个变量的模型的个数 
> # gcv和 rss的范围都是0~100,值表示这个变量贡献的 gcv 和 rss 值的减少量
> evimp(earth.fit)
##        nsubsets   gcv    rss
## nucl          7 100.0  100.0
## u.size        6  44.2   44.8
## thick         5  23.8   25.1
## n.nuc         4  15.1   16.8
## chrom         3   8.3   10.7
## s.size        2   6.0    8.1
## ashsn         1   2.3    4.6


> test.earth.prob <- predict(earth.fit, newdata = test, type = "class")
> test.earth.err <- test_err(test, test.earth.prob)
> print(test.earth.err)
## [1] 0.02870813



> p_load(ROCR)
> # 最差bad
> bad.fit <- glm(class ~ thick, family = binomial, data = test)
> test.bad.prob <- predict(bad.fit, type = "response")
> pred.full <- prediction(test.prob, test$class)
> perf.full <- performance(pred.full, "tpr", "fpr")
> plot(perf.full, main = "ROC", col = 1)
> pred.bic <- prediction(test.prob.3, test$class)
> perf.bic <- performance(pred.bic, "tpr", "fpr")
> plot(perf.bic, col = 2, add = TRUE)
> # bad
> pred.bad <- prediction(test.bad.prob, test$class)
> perf.bad <- performance(pred.bad, "tpr", "fpr")
> plot(perf.bad, col = 3, add = TRUE)
> # earth
> test.earth.p <- predict(earth.fit, newdata = test, type = "response")
> pred.earth <- prediction(test.earth.p, test$class)
> perf.earth <- performance(pred.earth, "tpr", "fpr")
> plot(perf.earth, col = 4, add = TRUE)
> legend(0.6, 0.6, c("FULL", "BIC", "BAD", "EARTH"), 1:4)

可以看到,全特征模型、BIC模型和MARS模型基本上重叠在一起。显而易见, 糟糕的模型表现得和我们预想的一样差。


> performance(pred.full, "auc")@y.values
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.9972672
> performance(pred.bic, "auc")@y.values
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.9944293
> performance(pred.bad, "auc")@y.values
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.8962056
> performance(pred.earth, "auc")@y.values
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.9952701


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