The Gay Genius Chapter11

2017-12-19  本文已影响0人  夕夜Silence

I. The sentence

1. Come, take from time the leisure's share you will. Semi-retirement is retirement still.



在苏东坡的诗中,“小隐”对应“暂闲”,“中隐”对应“长闲”,这是毫无疑问的,不过难处在于理解“中隐”的意义。“中隐”一词,源于白居易《中隐》诗:“大隐住朝市,小隐入丘樊。樊丘太冷落,朝市太嚣喧。不如作中隐,隐在留司官。“ 唐宋文人即便仕途不得意,也不会去想要隐居,毕竟仕进治国是他们的政治诉求,但另一方面要求自己不流于俗,达成高洁自持的精神追求,这就决定了“小隐”不可取,而“大隐”难为,因此就转向了追求心闲身适的“中隐”,在其位、谋其政、养其德、修其身、适其意、乐其心。苏东坡从未有过避世隐居的志向,因此在他眼中,中隐当然是胜过小隐的。

2. His mind was inspired by the beauty of the place, and his heart was soothed by its pliant charm.

soothe    to make someone feel calmer and less anxious, upset, or angry

pliant  soft and moving easily in the way that you want.

3. The poetry of the region and poetry of the poet found in each other a perfect expression.

find in each other  在这里极为形象,非常巧妙,这一句的译文也同样美。

II. The central question

Q: Why did Lin Yutang wrote about Su Tungpo's life in Hangchow?

A: Hangchow was an important city in Su Tungpo's life, which was affected his writing and political life. In this chapter, we can find the happy life Su Tungpo lived in Hangchow. He found the balance between enjoyment and work. We should never forget that the people in Hangchow admired Su Tungpo not only he was a great poet, but also he was a good officer. Also, his joyful life style and those stories with monks and courtesans just showed us the familiar Su Tungpo we knew.

III. 补充内容


"Through Su Tungpo, Chin Kuan, Huang Tingchien and others of his generation, like Yen Chitao and Chou Pangyen, it became the peotry of the dynasty."



如:“近却颇作小词,虽无柳七郎风味,亦自是一家.呵呵。”(《江城子 密州出猎》序)






