Chapter 16 the Cheese Boys

2017-10-18  本文已影响0人  wuying62

(一)Words and Phrases

1. Buff: being in  good physical shape with fine muscle tone.


E.g. Women like the fresh face and buff body just as men love the good looks and hot body.

2. Take off: become successful or popular.


E.g. The singer took off after his original song was widely favorited.

3. Street cred: a way of behaving and dressing that is acceptable to young people, especially those who live in cities and have experienced the problem of real life.


E.g. Teenages tried to obtain the street cred by exotic wearing and spoken style.

3. Hustle and bustle:忙碌喧嚣, 同义重复,押尾韵

E.g. Escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and  step into the quiet countryside.

4. The life of the party: someone who enjoys social occasions and is fun and exciting to be with.


E.g. She becomes the life of the party as soon as she emerges.

5. suspended animation


E.g.The state of suspended animation need to be changed.

6. Karma


E.g. Everyone enjoys or suffers his own karma.

7. Imposter


E.g. The server-side authentication lets you know that you are really connecting with your bank rather than  some look-alike importer.

(二)Exracts and Self-interpretation

1. Extracts: he was the friend who believed in you and saw the potential in you that nobody else did, which was why so many of the township kids gravitated toward him.


2. Extracts: there 's nowhere for all that energy to go, no mechanism for it to dissipate, so it erupts periodically in epic acts of violence and crazy parties.

Self-interpretation: 不管是个人发展也好,还是社会政局的前景,如果要稳定前行,则必须要让青春的能量得以渲泄,能人志士的本领得以施展,从制度框架上,从远程规划上,都需要宏观调控。儿童成长需要家长的见多识广,而国家发展则需要领导集团的高瞻远瞩。

3. They're free, they've been taught how to fish, but no one will give them a fishing rod.

Self-interpretation: 有知识有能力但是没有合适的平台发展,也只能是荒废掉了。必要的上升通道才是普通人成功的有效阶梯。伯乐也罢,选拔机制也好,都是关键时刻的一臂之力。

4. There was always a way  to make it work.

Self-interpretation: 在遇到困难的时候,有时候盲信也是一种驱动力。只要一点点坚持,或许就会改变事情的发展方向。信仰可以说是虚无的,但是成功往往是光荣的使命感促就的。

5. Extracts: There were many days we'd end up back at zero, but I always felt like I'd been very productive.


6. Every day we were out in the streets, hustling, trying to act as if we were in someway down with the gangs, but the truth was we were always more cheese than hood. We had created this idea of ourselves as a defense mechanism to survive in the world we were living in.

Self-interpretation: 街头小混混看似狐假虎威,不过是花样蜡枪头。他们用吊儿郎当的形象作为自己的掩饰,其实内心深处还是虚的,没有底气。

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