

2019-08-17  本文已影响0人  自观问渠





the rise of sth 有时代特征

没问题的句子,用词diction准确 没问题的句子 拼写更正subscription the rise of new energy carmaking也可以

has-been 过气的人或事物


expats=foreigners 外国人 expat community 外国人社区

不恰当的句子,English skills没有时代性
the rise of financing 本身不具有时代性

拼写derived 改为derided

仿写的例句 deceptively simple,感觉容易实际难,解决句式独有的implication和assumption

每周一段47 酷暑难耐

作者是青岛人 更正拼写swathes

加一句来stretch your mind

即便有,但还是 逻辑关系存疑

改写:Despite the wide coverage/ around-the-clock coverage, the implications of chaos across Hong Kong are often overlooked or underplayed.

逻辑不通:热切的渴望,动机 不是我写的,糖果写的

admonitions 告诫,numerous对应excessive,用词word choice好

well-known truism 道理再简单不过

原文 更正

before 的用法:地道

threw the whole country into debate

spectacular : 吸引眼球,惊心动魄 eye-catching

road accidents, road collisions 同义替换

最后一句:双关 pile-up 多车相撞,交通事故 piled up news 新闻不断

Personal Review

In recent days rewriting has turned into a reliable conduit through which I come to grasp how thoughts develop into words. Despite the accomanying taxing brainwork, the importance of such mental exercise should not be overlooked or underplayed. Spectacular free styles grab attention more readily, yet following designed routes can be more challenging. Beyond doubt, rewriting has the merit of being both educational and inspirational. Its impact is unmistakable--learners take pains to integrate the prescribed backbone into their own output. The process is easily susceptible to errors. Yet the better students negotiate the course, the more they are versed in writing, thinking on paper.  


