Friday 20181102 【appeal】

2018-11-02  本文已影响0人  空也如是

1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


英英释义:a quality that something has that makes people like it or want it

补充:不可数名词-The appeal of something is a quality that it has which people find attractive or interesting.

例句:The movie has an immediate appeal to people of all ages.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

“appeal”可以作动词也可以作名词使用,作为名词它可以表示”上诉“,“恳求”,不过我们今天要学习的是它作为名词,表示“吸引力” “感染力”的用法。当我们想表达“吸引力” “魅力”时,除了想到用“attraction” “more popular” 造句外,还可以想到用 appeal。

我们想说一本书或者一个电影很好看,就可以用 appeal 来表示它们受欢迎的程度。比如,某部电影非常经常,让男女老少都“一见倾心”,就可以说:

The film has an immediate appeal to people of all ages.

我们现在常说的“为…打call”,其实也是在说为某人或某物做点事情,让他/它更受欢迎。比如我们在社群中就一直向大家推荐  William Zinsser 的写作圣经 On Writing Well:

Phenomenal English has been broadening the appeal of On Writing Well.

“appeal”前面也可以加形容词,表明在某一方面的吸引力,比如 commercial/visual/aesthetic appeal,分别指“商业上的/视觉上的/艺术上的吸引力。


Some paintings lose their aesthetic appeal over time.


The main appeal of Australia to their families, they say is that it  is not racked by civil war.


3. 从认识到会用(作业)

1)使用《牛津英语搭配词典》查“appeal”,了解它的常用搭配(word partnerships)

Prep.➡️appeal to someone 呼吁某人;对某人的呼吁;对某人有吸引力

          appeal for something 对某事的呼吁

          appeal to a court向法庭上诉

V➡️ make an appeal 作出呼吁;提出上诉

N➡️appeal a case/decision 对案件/判决提出上诉



(参考翻译:The Economist has wide appeal for students who want to improve their English writing skills.)


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