Chapter 7
2020-08-19 本文已影响0人
patronize 以居高临下的态度自居
tremor 震颤,颤抖
forlorn 被遗弃的,孤苦伶仃的
over head and tears in love with each other 原书中是这样表达的,但是没有查到解释
heel over head in love with someone 为某人神魂颠倒
villainy 恶行;犯罪
nor could she have supposed Willoughby capable of departing so far from the common decorum of a gentleman as to send a letter so impudently cruel.
perusal 仔细查看
giddy 头晕的;令人迷惑的
covenant 协定,协议
barbarous 残忍的;原始的
belie 掩饰;对人误解
insolent 傲慢无礼的;目中无人的
premediate 预谋;预先考虑