2018-11-22 本文已影响157人
Ultimate Guide for Arduino Sensors / Modules 中的:
- DHT11/DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor (Page 7-12)
- BMP180 Barometric Sensor (Page 13-20)
- DS1307 or DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) (Page 37-42)
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor (Page 31-36)
- 8x8 Dot Matrix (Page 102-107)
18+ Arduino Projects 中的:
- Introducing the Arduino (Page 8-15)
- Traffic Lights (Page 16-21)
- Complete Guide for Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with Arduino (Page27-33)
- Control LEDs with IR Remote Control (Page 49-57)
- Arduino Temperature Data Logger with SD Card Module (Page 111-117)
11. Android App – RGB LED with Arduino and Bluetooth (Page 118-127) 留给研究生组