There is a moment , we all face it .
Sometimes we hit the wall and get stuck in our head .
The temptation to give up is so enciting .
Most people would just give in .
But you are not like most people.
Welcome to your out of breath ,victory lap, that sore of the next day , pride and enjoy .
Welcome to your moment .
不少老师说,学习英文最好的办法是背诵文章,好吧,先背熟20篇短文再说。,Just do it ,Don`t let your drems be drems ,yesterday you said tomorrow ,so just do it .make your dreams come ture . You see ,some people dream success .Oh, How do you feel that ? I`ll tell you that see some people dream success while you`re gonna wake up and work hard at it .Remember :Nothing is impossible You should get to the point where anyone eles will quit , you`re not gonna stop there .do it ,just do it . Yes ,you can ,believe youself .You only need to do it .Of course ,if you tired of starting over , please stop giving up !
后面的这段,几乎全是昨天记得,拿来直接用,正合适。学的目的是为了用,能用的东西得是自己熟练掌握的,怎么熟练掌握啊?唯有记忆啊,再补充一点就是理解记忆。Practice makes pefect ,真到了这个境界,什么样的场合,什么样的语境,脑子里那些滚瓜烂熟的好文章自会融合,梳理,又拆分,再整合成你想表达的意思。
OK,I undersdand that, 道理明白了,道理明白了有用吗?如果不做,真没用!so just do it .
Remembering that you're going to die is the best way l know to avoid thinking of you have something to lose .Because almost everything , All external expectation, All pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure. Those things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.