
新概念英语智慧版第一册Lesson72 When did you

2023-09-25  本文已影响0人  生命中最美的是成长

Lesson72 When did you...?你什么时候......?

一、Look,listen and repeat.


Today    this morning/this afternoon/this evening/tonight

Yesterday    yesterday morning/yesterday afternoon/yesterday evening/last night

The day before yesterday

the day before yesterday in the morning

the day before yesterday in the afternoon

the day before yesterday in the evening

the night before last

1st      aired

Look at the first picture.

What did you do yesterday?

I aired the room yesterday.

2nd      cleaned

Look at the second picture.

What did you and Tom do yesterday?

We cleaned our shoes yesterday.

3rd      opened

Look at the third picture.

What did you do yesterday afternoon?

I opened the box yesterday afternoon.

4th    sharpened

Look at the fourth picture.

What did you and Tony do the day before yesterday in the afternoon?

We sharpened our pencils the day before yesterday in the afternoon.

5th    turned on

Look at the fifth picture.

What did she do last night?

She turned on the television last night.

6th    listened

Look at the sixth picture.

What did she do last night?

She listened to the stereo last night.

7th      boiled

Look at the seventh picture.

What did I do yesterday morning?

You boiled an egg yesterday morning.

8th      arrived

Look at the eighth picture.

What did you do this morning?

I arrived home this morning.

9th      played

Look at the ninth picture.

What did the children do yesterday afternoon?

They played in the garden yesterday afternoon.

10th      stayed

Look at the tenth picture.

What did he do today.

He stayed in bed today.

11th    shaved

Look at the eleventh picture.

What did he do this morning?

He shaved this morning.

12th      climbed

Look at the twelfth picture.

What did he do this afternoon?

He climbed the tree this afternoon.

13th    telephoned

Look at the thirteenth picture.

What did she do the night before last?

She telephoned her husband the night before last.

14th    called

Look at the fourteenth picture.

What did you do last night?

I called the doctor last night.

15th  emptied

Look at the fifteenth picture.

What did she do the day before yesterday ?

She emptied the basket the day before yesterday.

二、Written exercises 书面练习

A.Complete these sentences.



She is airing the room now.

She____ it yesterday.

She aired it yesterday.

1.It is raining now.It ___ yesterday.

It rained yesterday.

2.It is snowing now.It ___ yesterday.

It snowed yesterday.

3.He is boiling some eggs.He__some yesterday.

He boiled some yesterday.

4.We are enjoying our lunch.We ___ it yesterday,too.

We enjoyed it yesterday,too.

B. Write questions and answers.



she/air the room/yesterday

What did she do yesterday?

She aired the room yesterday.

1.they/clean their shoes/yesterday

What did they do yesterday?

They cleaned their shoes yesterday.

2.he/open the box/last night

What did he do last night?

He opened the box last night.

3.they/sharpen their pencils/this morning

What did they do this morning?

They sharpened their pencils this morning.

4.she/turn on the television/this evening

What did she do this evening?

She turned on the television this evening.

5.she/listen to the radio/last night

What did she do last night?

She listened to the radio last night.

6.she/boil an egg/yesterday morning

What did she do yesterday morning?

She boiled an egg yesterday morning.

7.they/play a game/yesterday afternoon

What did they do yesterday afternoon?

They played a game yesterday afternoon.

8.he/stay in bed/the day before yesterday/in the morning

What did he do the day before yesterday in the morning?

He stayed in bed the day before yesterday in the morning.

9.she/telephone her husband/yesterday evening

What did she do yesterday evening?

She telephoned her husband yesterday evening.

10.she/call the doctor/the night before last

What did she do the night before last?

She called the doctor the night before last.

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