
2020-08-22  本文已影响0人  自观问渠
The world this week Business


1 辞退,开除 sack sb, let sb go, give sb a pink slip, fire sb, can sb, lay sb off

例句 We're going to have to let you go.

例句 You've been let go.

2 与……有一腿 have a romance with sb, have an affair with sb

办公室恋情 have a workplace romance with sb,office romance

3 compensation package 薪酬包

servance package 遣散费,离职补偿

例句 We'll be giving you a generous severance package.

compensation package: Sum of direct benefits (such as salary, allowances, bonus, commission) and indirect benefits (such as insurance, pension plans, vacations) that an employee eceives from an employer.

4 the extent of Mr Easterbrook's inappropriate behaviour 意为  how inappropriate Mr Easterbrook's behaviour is 他的做法有多过分


自 Letters 版块


1 moral maze 道德迷宫

2 abandon A in favor of B, eschew A in favor of B 放弃A选择B

3 beefburger = hamburger

bite into the beefburger 咬一口汉堡  take a bite into the burger

4 Some + 一类人 do X while others do Y  同一个人群中对立的两种观点

造句 Some students celebrate morning reading while others view it as overwhelming. 有人欢喜有人愁  

5 be shorthand for sth: to be another way of saying that something has a particular quality 代言

A is shorthand for B

例句 The company's name has become shorthand for corporate villainy.

6 no basis for , no reason, groundless

例句 There's no basis for such a claim.


1 himself 强调的时候,同位语使用自反代词,与法语的重读人称代词lui相像(Mon père, lui, il est journaliste toute sa vie.)

2 a lifetime journalist 终生从事某个职业,一辈子

3 enter the trade 入行

4 The role of the +职业 is to do X and Y . 某种职业的天职是什么

造句:The role of the teacher is to show students the ropes.


1 thoughtful 形容文章的思想有深度

a thoughful poem/article

2 我想到一句名言 A quote came to mind (没有my)

物做主语 An idea struck me.


