New year's resolution- 2022

2022-02-06  本文已影响0人  飘着的云

listening to VOA today, one of the topics is new year's resolution. a woman is asking a a man if he has a new year resoultion, the article inspired me that it might be a good idea to have a new year resolution.

as for a middle age people like me, the new year resolution could include more things including family, kids, careers and management. actully I am worried about  a lot of things: my mother's health situaiton, family memebers' development- learning and job, my own jobs. due to organization changes in past two years,I have a lot of bad moments, there are a lot of things I don't like, however as a person who relys on salary, we have to face some chanllenge moments which we really don't like. silence and pretending may be a good way to resolve that. today reading Russel's book, in his book, there was one article about Chinese, He mentioned a lot good about us, also mentioned 3 bad things about us, greedy, coward and indifferent. as for greed, I believe all human beings whatever he was born in China, US or Europen, all have the same things. coward, might be, indifferent, some of us are. acutally most of us are friendly to people from others countries.

as I am working in a US invested company, here I listed my new year's resolution in English.

taking care of family members is the most important thing as well as my relatives, friends, and someone has close relationship with me.

doing a good job is one of very imporatant goals for me, learn and do, making the company grows fast and more profitable. to be an active employee and participant.

improve myself from different perspective, try something new. using growing up to fight with growing old.

speaking a better English, writing more articals, at least one per week.

might add more in the future.

Lucy  at  February 6, 2022.

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