
Scala - monads

2016-04-17  本文已影响158人  pangolulu


带有mapflatMap方法的数据结构很常见。实际上,there’s a name that describes this class of a data structures together with some algebraic laws that they should have. 他们称作Monads。
那么,什么是Monad?What is Monad?

A monad M is a parametric type M[T] with two operations, flatMap and unit, that have to satisfy some laws.

trait M[T] {
  def flatMap[U](f: T => M[U]): M[U]
def unit[T](x: T): M[T]


Examples of Monads


  1. List is a monad with unit(x) = List(x)
  2. Set is monad with unit(x) = Set(x)
  3. Option is a monad with unit(x) = Some(x)
  4. Generator is a monad with unit(x) = single(x)


Monads and Map


m map f == m flatMap (x => unit(f(x))) == m flatMap (f andThen unit)

andThen方法在表示函数的组合,f andThen unit表示首先执行函数f接着执行函数unit

Monad Laws

To qualify as a monad, a type has to satisfy three laws:

  1. Associativity:
(m flatMap f) flatMap g == m flatMap (x => f(x) flatMap g)
  1. Left unit
unit(x) flatMap f == f(x)
  1. Right unit
m flatMap unit == m

Example of Checking Monad Laws

下面举一个例子,证明Option符合monad laws。首先给出OptionflatMap的定义。

abstract class Option[+T] {
  def flatMap[U](f: T => Option[U]): Option[U] = this match {
    case Some(x) => f(x)
    case None => None
   Some(x) flatMap f ==
   Some(x) match {
     case Some(x) => f(x)
     case None => None
   } == f(x)
   m flatMap Some ==
   m match {
     case Some(x) => Some(x)
     None => None
   } == m
   (m flatMap f) flatMap g ==
   m match { case Some(x) => f(x) case None => None }
     match { case Some(y) => g(y) case None => None } ==
     m match {
     case Some(x) => f(x) match { case Some(y) => g(y) case None => None }
     case None => None match { case Some(y) => g(y) case None => None }
   } ==
   m match {
     case Some(x) => f(x) match { case Some(y) => g(y) case None => None }
     case None => None
   } ==
   m match {
     case Some(x) => f(x) flatMap g
     case None => None
   } == m flatMap (x => f(x) flatMap g)

Significance of the Laws for For-Expressions

  1. Associativity says essentially that one can “inline” nested for expressions:
for (y <- for (x <- m; y <- f(x)) yield y; z <- g(y)) yield z ==
for (x <- m; y <- f(x); z <- g(y)) yield z
  1. Right unit says:
   for (x <- m) yield x == x
  1. Left unit does not have an analogue for for-expressions.

Another type: Try


abstract class Try[+T]
case class Success[T](x: T) extends Try[T]
case class Failure(ex: Exception) extends Try[Nothing]


Try is used to pass results of computations that can fail with an exception between threads and computers.



Try(expr) // gives Success(someValue) or Failure(someException)


object Try {
  def apply[T](expr: => T): Try[T] =
    try Success(expr)
    catch {
      case NonFatal(ex) => Failure(ex)

其中的参数传递语法expr: => T表示call by name,也就是说传递参数时并不先进行evaluate求值,直到进入try Success(expr)才进行evaluate,这也是可以在apply内部捕捉到异常的原因。


for {
  x <- computeX
  y <- computeY
} yield f(x, y)

如果computeXcomputeY成功运行得到结果Success(x)和结果Success(y),那么该表达式返回Success(f(x, y));如果上面两个运算只要有一个出现错误,该表达式返回Failure(ex)


abstract class Try[T] {
  def flatMap[U](f: T => Try[U]): Try[U] = this match {
    case Success(x) => try f(x) catch { case NonFatal(ex) => Failure(ex) }
    case fail: Failure => fail
  def map[U](f: T => U): Try[U] = this match {
    case Success(x) => Try(f(x))
    case fail: Failure => fail


t map f == t flatMap (x => Try(f(x))) == t flatMap (f andThen Try)

问题来了,定义了unit = Try后,Try是不是一个monad呢?答案是:不符合left unit law,也就是Try(expr) flatMap f != f(expr)。为什么呢?课上给的解释是:

Indeed the left-hand side will never raise a non-fatal exception whereas the right-hand side will raise any exception thrown by expr or f.

Left unit does not have an analogue for for-expressions这条结论可以验证,即使Try违法了left unit law他也可以使用for表达式。


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