
2022-09-15  本文已影响0人  蔚海山庄三六子
Rēgulus ōlim spectāculum splendidum in amphitheātrō ēdidit, quod diem nātālem celebrābat. multī Nūcerīnī igitur ad urbem vēnērunt.

Once Regulus presented a splendid spectacle in the amphitheatre, Because he was  celebrating his birthday. So Many people of Nuceria came to the urban.


cīvēs Pompēiānī erant īrātī, quod Nūcerīnī viās complēbant. omnēs tamen ad forum contendērunt, ubi nūntiī stābant. nūntiī spectāculum optimum nūntiābant:

Pompeian citizen were angry, because people of Nuceria were  filling in the street. However, all people hurried to the forum, Where a messenger stranded and was announcing a magnificent spectacle.


'gladiātōrēs adsunt! vīgintī gladiātōrēs hodiē pugnant! rētiāriī adsunt! murmillōnēs adsunt! bēstiāriī bēstiās ferōcēs agitant!'

“net-fighter is here, heavily armed gladiators are here, and beast-fighter hunt the fierce wild beast.”


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