刚刚开好了阿尔法脑波激活音频准备静心造句。脑海里却一片混乱,半天一个句子也没造出来。索性思路一换,回顾了下这两天的事情。原来我的内在想让我梳理自己。Alfa has just opened up the brain wave to activate the audio and prepare for meditation. There was confusion in my mind, but no sentence was made in half a day. After a few thoughts, I reviewed the following two days. It turned out that I wanted to let me sort out myself.
I heard that these five planets are retrograde in recent days, and some of the hidden things are beginning to churn. Inexplicable irritability, perhaps the last few days, the learning process is too tight, and I have been too involved in it. There are some unexpected incidents to remind me to relax my strained strings. Recall the day before yesterday, the magnetic yellow seeds were opened, and the equivalent mark was the blue monkey.
At that time, it was also aware of the fact that the blue monkey was the highest guide, as well as the world. Perhaps you may be full of enthusiasm and a great hope to invest in a thing that is likely to be overthrown. It may be an unexpected result. This process may be a test of your perseverance and endurance. Maybe it is to ask you to collect your attention back, to torture your heart or not, to make it true or not. A positive choice.
At last, it will make us suddenly realize that everything is only illusion. It is not a ridiculous thing to cocoon and bind itself in the world of illusion.
提交今天和昨天的作业。两张画是韵律蓝风暴那天情绪杂乱清理状态下画的。本来不想发上来的,但这也是我真实的一部分,我想如实记录。Submit the homework for today and yesterday. The two picture was painted on the day of the rhythmic blue storm. I didn't want to send it, but this is also a real part of me. I want to record it faithfully.


翻译[KJV]Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.