
2018-07-10  本文已影响6人  编程半岛


0. 单链表的另一个缺陷

int main()
    LinkList<int> list;
    for(int i=0; i<5; ++i)  // O(n)
        list.insert(o, i);

    for(int i=list.length()-1; i>=0; --i)  // O(n^2)
        cout << list.get(i) << endl;

    return 0;


1. 双向链表设计思路



2. 双向链表实现



#include "List.h"
#include "Exception.h"

namespace DTLib

template < typename T >
class DualLinkList : public List<T>
    struct Node : public Object
        T value;
        Node* next;
        Node* pre;

    mutable struct : public Object {
        char reserved[sizeof(T)];
        Node* next;
        Node* pre;
    } m_header;      // mutable突破const的限制
    int m_length;
    Node* m_current;    // 定义游标 m_current
    int m_step;
    Node* position(int i) const;  // 定位元素, 返回i的前一个结点的指针
    virtual Node* create();      // 内部进行create封装
    virtual void destroy(Node* pn);     // 内部进行destroy封装

    bool insert(const T& e);               // O(n)
    bool insert(int i, const T& e);        // O(n)
    bool remove(int i);                    // O(n)
    bool set(int i, const T& e);           // O(n)
    virtual T get(int i) const;            // O(n)
    bool get(int i, T& e) const;           // O(n)
    int find(const T &e) const;            // O(n)
    int length() const;                    // O(1)
    void clear();                          // O(n)

    /* 游标遍历相关函数 */
    virtual bool move(int i, int step);
    virtual bool end();
    virtual bool next();
    virtual bool pre();
    virtual T current();

template < typename T >
DualLinkList<T>::DualLinkList()        // 构造函数, 设置成员初始状态
    m_header.next = NULL;
    m_header.pre = NULL;
    m_length = 0;
    m_step = 1;
    m_current = NULL;

template < typename T>
typename DualLinkList<T>::Node* DualLinkList<T>::position(int i) const
    Node* ret = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(&m_header);

    for(int pos=0; pos<i; ++pos)
        ret = ret->next;

    return ret;

template < typename T >
typename DualLinkList<T>::Node* DualLinkList<T>::create()
    return new Node();

template < typename T >
void DualLinkList<T>::DualLinkList::destroy(Node* pn)
    delete pn;

template <typename T >
bool DualLinkList<T>::insert(int i, const T& e)
    bool ret = ((i >= 0) && (i <= m_length));

    if( ret )
        Node* node = create();

        if( node != NULL )
            Node* current = position(i);
            Node*  next = current->next;

            node->value = e;
            node->next = next;
            current->next = node;

            if( current != reinterpret_cast<Node*>(&m_header) ) // 判断current结点是否为头结点
                node->pre = current;    // 如果不是头结点,则将node->pre = current
                node->pre = NULL;   // 如果是头结点,则node->pre = NULL

            if( next != NULL )
                next->pre = node;   // 如果next不为空,将next->pre = node;如果next为空,则什么也不用做

            THROW_EXCEPTION(NoEnoughMemoryExcetion, "No memory to insert new element...");

    return ret;

template <typename T>
bool DualLinkList<T>::insert(const T& e)
    return insert(m_length, e);

template <typename T>
bool DualLinkList<T>::remove(int i)
    bool ret = ((i >= 0) && (i < m_length));

    if( ret )
        Node* current = position(i);
        Node* toDel = current->next;
        Node* next = toDel->next;

        if(  m_current == toDel )       // 如果游标指针指向要删除的指针
            m_current = toDel->next;    // 移动游标指针

        current->next = next;
        if( next != NULL )
            next->pre = toDel->pre;

        --m_length;                     // 先将length-1
        destroy(toDel);                 // 然后再destroy对象,因为如果destroy如果出现异常,此时的length信息还是正确的

    return ret;

template < typename T >
bool DualLinkList<T>::set(int i, const T& e)
    bool ret = ((i >= 0) && (i < m_length));

    if( ret )
        position(i)->next->value = e;       // i的位置为current的next

    return ret;

template < typename T >
T DualLinkList<T>::get(int i) const
    T ret;

    if( get(i, ret) )
        return ret;
        THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, "Invaild parameter i to get element...");

    return ret;

template < typename T >
bool DualLinkList<T>::get(int i, T& e) const
    bool ret = ((i >= 0) && (i < m_length));

    if( ret )
        e = position(i)->next->value;

    return ret;

template < typename T >
int DualLinkList<T>::find(const T &e) const
    int ret = -1;
    int pos = 0;
    Node* node = m_header.next;

    while( node )
        if( node->value == e )
            ret = pos;
            node = node->next;

    return ret;

template < typename T >
int DualLinkList<T>::length() const
    return m_length;

template < typename T >
void DualLinkList<T>::clear()
    while( this->m_length > 0 )

template < typename T >
bool DualLinkList<T>::move(int i, int step = 1)
    bool ret = (i >= 0) && (i < m_length) && (step > 0);

    if( ret )
        m_current =position(i)->next;
        m_step = step;

    return ret;

template < typename T >
bool DualLinkList<T>::end()
    return m_current == NULL;

template < typename T >
bool DualLinkList<T>::next()
    int i = 0;

    while( ( i<m_step ) && ( !end() ) )
        m_current = m_current->next;

    return (i == m_step);

template < typename T >
bool DualLinkList<T>::pre()
    int i = 0;

    while( ( i<m_step ) && ( !end() ) )
        m_current = m_current->pre;

    return (i == m_step);

template < typename T >
T DualLinkList<T>::current()
    if( !end() )
        return m_current->value;
        THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidOperationExcetion, "No value at current position...");

template < typename T >
DualLinkList<T>:: ~DualLinkList()



3. 小结

实验环境:ubuntu10 + Qt Creator2.4.1 + Qt SDK 4.7.4

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