程序猿的自我修养 - 箴言警句
There are three great virtues of a programmer; Laziness, Impatience and Hubris. —— Larry Wall
好的程序员有三种美德: 懒惰、急躁和傲慢。
The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer, Also hence, this book.
The anger you feel when the computer is being lazy. This makes you write programs that don't just react to your needs, but actually anticipate them. Or at least pretend to. Hence, the second great virtue of a programmer.
Excessive pride, the sort of thing Zeus zaps you for. Also the quality that makes you write (and maintain) programs that other people won't want to say bad things about. Hence, the third great virtue of a programmer.
There is no smoke without fire.

Poorly designed code tends to manifest itself through some common tell-tale signs. Some examples of these are:
- Giant classes and/or functions
- Large blocks of commented out code
- Duplicated logic
- Deeply nested if/else blocks
Developers often refer to these as code smells, but personally, I think the term "code smoke" or "code fumes" is more appropriate as it implies a higher sense of urgency. If you don't address the underlying problem it will come back to burn you later on.
- 巨大的类或者方法
- 大区块注释的代码
- 重复的逻辑
- 过多 if/else 层次嵌套
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Toyota's assembly line of the 1980s was famously efficient due to its revolutionary approach towards defect prevention. Each member of the assembly line was given the ability to halt production when they noticed a problem in their sector. The idea was that it was better to halt production and fix the problem as early on as possible than to continue producing faulty units that would be tougher and more costly to fix/replace/recall later on.
Developers often make the faulty assumption that productivity = cranking out code quickly. Many programmers dive straight into coding without a second thought towards design. Unfortunately, this Leeroy Jenkins approach towards software development tends to lead to sloppy, fragile code that will need to be constantly monitored and patched — perhaps even replaced altogether down the line. Ultimately, productivity must be measured not only in how much time is spent writing it, but also by how much time is spent debugging it. A short term gain may prove to be a long term loss if one isn't careful.
程序员经常错误地认为高效率编码就是快速编码,很多程序员不经思索和设计就直接编写代码。很不幸地是,这种 Leeroy Jenkins鲁莽做法将会编写出槽糕的代码,结果导致需要不断维护和修改代码,甚至有可能这些槽糕的代码将会被替换掉。因此,编码效率不仅以编码的时间,而且还有调试代码的时间。
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
A software team's bus factor is defined as "the total number of key developers who would if incapacitated, as by getting hit by a bus, send the project into such disarray that it would not be able to proceed".
In other words, what happens if you suddenly lost a key member of your team? Would business continue as usual or would it grind to a halt?
Unfortunately, most software teams fall into the latter category. These are the teams that turn their programmers into "domain experts" who only deal with requests that fall into their area of expertise.. At first, this appears to be a fairly reasonable approach. It works for the automaking assembly lines, why not for software development teams? After all, it's unreasonable to expect each member of the team to be intimately familiar with each and every nuance in the application, right?
The problem is that developers cannot be easily substituted and replaced. And while the pidgeon-hole approach works fairly well when everybody is available and accounted for, it quickly falls apart when "domain experts" suddenly become unavailable due to turnover, sickness, or even freak bus accidents. It is imperative that software teams have some sort of redundancy built in. Code reviews, pair programming, and communal code go a long way to foster an environment where each developer is at least superficially familiar with parts of the system outside their comfort zone.
一个软件项目开发团队的公共要素(bus factor)是指那些会影响整个项目进程的核心开发人员的总数。比如某人被车撞了或某人生孩子或某人跳槽了,项目可能就会无序,甚至会搁置。
因此我们在项目开发中, 每位开发人员最好能最熟悉软件系统非自己所擅长的部分。
As you sow, so shall you reap.

The Pragmatic Programmer has this to say about the Broken Window theory:
Don't leave "broken windows" (bad designs, wrong decisions, or poor code) unrepaired. Fix each one as soon as it is discovered. If there is insufficient time to fix it properly, then board it up. Perhaps you can comment out the offending code, or display a "Not Implemented" message, or substitute dummy data instead. Take some action to prevent further damage and to show that you're on top of the situation.
We've seen clean, functional systems deteriorate pretty quickly once windows start breaking. There are other factors that can contribute to software rot, and we'll touch on some of them elsewhere, but neglect accelerates the rot faster than any other factor.
In short, good code begets good code and bad code begets bad code. Do not underestimate the power of inertia. No one wants to be the one who has to clean up sloppy code, but neither does anyone want to be the one that makes a mess out of beautiful code. Write it right and your code will have a far better chance at standing the test of time.
不要留着“破窗户”(不良的设计、错误的决策或者糟糕的代码)不修。发现一个就修一个。如果没有足够的时间进行适当的修复,就先把它保留起来。或许你可 以把出问题的代码放到注释中,或是显示“未实现”消息,或用虚拟数据加以替代。采取一些措施,防止进一步的恶化。这表明局势尚在掌控之中。
Great haste makes great waste.
Managers, clients, and programmers are getting more impatient by the day. Everything needs to be done and it needs to be done now. Because of this, the temptation to throw together hacks and quick-fixes becomes very tough to resist.
No time to properly unit test a new feature? Oh well, it works for the one test run you put it through. You can always come back to it later!
Mysterious object referencing error when you try to access property Y? Whatever, just throw a try/catch block around the code. We've got bigger fish to fry!
Sound familiar? It's because we've all done it at some point in time. And in certain instances, it is justifiable. After all, we have deadlines to meet and clients/managers to satisfy. But do it too often and you'll soon find yourself with a very unstable code base full of hotfixes, duplicated logic, untested solutions, and porous error handling. In the end, you have to strike a balance between getting things done and getting things done right.
是不是似曾相识呢?这是因为我们在以前已经都做到了。并且在某些情况下、它是无可非议的。毕竟,我们有最后期限,还得满足客户和经理。但不要过于频繁操 作,否则你会发现你的代码不稳定,有很多热修复、逻辑重复、未测试的方案和错误处理。最后,你要么是把事情草草做完,要么是把事情好好做完。
Look before you leap

The term "Agile Development" is used and abused frequently these days, often as a way for programmers to justify ignoring the dreaded planning/designing phase of software development. We are creators, and as such we derive pleasure from seeing actual progress made towards a finished product. Surprisingly, UML diagrams and use case analysis just don't seem to satisfy that desire. So, we developers often start off coding without any idea of what we are doing or where we are going. It's like heading out for dinner when you haven't yet decided where you want to go. You're hungry so you don't want to waste time finding a restaurant and booking a table. Instead, you just hop in your car and figure you'll think of something along the way. Only, it ends up taking you longer because you have to make a bunch of U-turns and stops at restaurants that end up having too long of a wait. True, you'll probably find your way to food eventually, but you probably didn't end up with the meal you wanted and it probably took a lot more time and hassle than it would have had you just called and booked a reservation at a restaurant you wanted to go to.
这就好比你要去吃饭,但你根本没有想好去哪里吃。因为你太饿了,所以你迫不及待地找个餐馆,定个桌位。然后你上车开车后沿途在想(找地方吃饭)。只是,这样会耗费更多的时间,因为你要过较多的U型弯道,还在餐馆前停车,也许最后因等待时间过长而不吃了。确切地说,你最后应该能找到地方吃饭,但你可能 吃的饭并不是你想吃的,并且这样花费的时间,可能比你直接在想去的餐馆订餐所花的时间更长。
When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
Programmers have a tendency to get tunnel vision when it comes to their tools. Once something "just works" for us on one project, we tend to insist on using it for every project therafter. It can be a pain to learn something new and, at times, highly unsettling. The entire time we're thinking "it would have been easier had I just done it the old way!". Enough of these moments and we will simply go with what we know, even if it isn't a perfect fit for the task.
It's easy to stick with what you know, but in the long run it's much easier to pick the right tools for the job. Otherwise you will be fitting square pegs into round holes for the rest of your career.
程序员有一种倾向,当一谈到他们工具时,其视野就变狭窄了。一旦某种方法在我们的一个项目上“行得通”,我们就会在接下来所有的项目上都用到它。学习新东 西仿佛是一种煎熬,有时候甚至会心神不定。从始至终都在想“如果我用之前的方法做、这个就不会这么麻烦了”。一定要摒弃这种想法,按我们所知道的去做,即使那不是最完美的解决方法。
Silence is construed as approval

I see nothing! Nuh-thing!
This ties in with the theory on broken windows and programming inertia, only on a larger scale.
The programming community is just that, a community. Each programmer is a reflection on the craft. The more bad code that is released into the wild, the more it becomes the status quo. If you don't make an effort to write good, clean,SOLID code, you will find yourself having to work with it on a day-to-day basis.
Likewise, if you see poorly designed code written by someone else, you should make the effort to bring it up with the creator. I should note, however, that tact ought to be employed in such a situation. In general, programmers are willing to admit that they do not know everything there is to know about software development and will appreciate the gesture. We all benefit when we help each other out. Turning a blind eye to problems only perpetuates them.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
There is a time and place to discuss system architecture and refactoring opportunities, and a time to just get things done. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of revamping something that already works just to make it cleaner. It's an admirable goal, of course, but there will always be code that you want to restructure. The programming world simply changes too frequently for code to not get outdated. But at some point you have to provide value to your customers. The simple fact remains: you can't do two things at once. The more time you spend refactoring old code, the less time you spend creating new code. Striking a balance is critical to enhancing as well as maintaining your application in a timely manner.
如果可以讨论系统架构和重构,那么就差找个时间把事情做完。为了使正常运作的东西更加简洁而做改动,权衡改动的利弊很重要。当然了,简洁是一个理想目标, 但总会有可以通过重构改进的代码。在编程世界中,为了代码不过时,会频繁简单改动代码。但有时候你又必须保证代码对客户有价值。那么,你面临一个简单窘 境:你不能一石二鸟。你在重构旧代码上所发时间越多,你编写新代码的时间就越少。在及时改进代码和维护程序之间,也需要找到平衡点。
With great power comes great responsibility

Software has undoubtedly become an integral and vital part of our lives. Because of this, practicing good software development is more crucial than ever. It's one thing to have a bug in a game of Pong, it's another to have one in the guidance system of a space shuttle or air traffic control system. Slashdot recently posted an article describing how a minor glitch in Google News singlehandedly evaporated $1.14 billion in shareholder wealth. Events such as these demonstrate how much power we wield. It's a little frightening to think that the code you write today, whether you intend it to or not, may one day be recycled and depended upon for mission-critical applications. Write accordingly.
毫无疑问,软件已成为我们生活中一个既基本又重要的一部分。正因如此,开发优秀软件格外重要。乒乓球游戏中的Bug是一回事,航天飞机导向系统或者航空交通管制系统中的Bug是另外一回事。Slashdot曾发表一文,讲述了单单Google News的一个小失误使一家公司股票蒸发11.4亿美元。其他例子参见《软件Bug引发的十次严重后果》。这些例子便说明了我们正行使着多大的权利。你今天写的代码,无论你是否有意,说不定有朝一日在重要的应用程序中派上用场,这想想都令人害怕。编写正确合格的代码吧!
Stay hungry , Stay foolish. —— Steve Jobs

原文来自《Whole Earth Catalog》

Talk is cheap. Show me the code. —— Linus Torvalds

Linux的创始人Linus Torvalds在2000-08-25给linux-kernel 邮件列表的一封邮件提到的
You build it, You run it. —— Werner Vogels

Amazon的CTO:Werner Vogels的名言。是相对传统应用开发模式提出来的,在微服务架构里头特别受欢迎。
go big or go home —— Facebook Office Slogan

Done is better than perfect. —— Facebook Office Slogan

Eating our own dog food. —— Microsoft
而在IT界,微软公司也采用这一做法来检测他们自己研发的软件,他们管这叫做eat our own dog food。Dog food指软件公司开发出新的软件程序后,在发布之前先在公司内部使用,即“内部试用”,或者做名词指“内部试用的软件”。
UNIX很简单。但需要有一定天赋的人才能理解这种简单。——Dennis Ritchie
软件在能够复用前必须先能用。——Ralph Johnson
优秀的判断力来自经验,但经验来自于错误的判断。——Fred Brooks
当你想在你的代码中找到一个错误时,这很难;当你认为你的代码是不会有错误时,这就更难了。——Steve McConnell 《代码大全》
如果建筑工人盖房子的方式跟程序员写程序一样,那第一只飞来的啄木鸟就将毁掉人类文明。——Gerald Weinberg
项目开发的六个阶段:1. 充满热情 2. 醒悟 3. 痛苦 4. 找出罪魁祸首 5. 惩罚无辜 6. 褒奖闲人——佚名
优秀的代码是它自己最好的文档。当你考虑要添加一个注释时,问问自己,“如何能改进这段代码,以让它不需要注释?”——Steve McConnell 《代码大全》
我们这个世界的一个问题是,蠢人信誓旦旦,智人满腹狐疑。——Bertrand Russell
罗马帝国崩溃的一个主要原因是,没有0,他们没有有效的方法表示他们的C程序成功的终止。——Robert Firth
如果debugging是一种消灭bug的过程,那编程就一定是把bug放进去的过程。——Edsger Dijkstra
你要么要软件质量,要么要指针算法;两者不可兼得。——(Bertrand Meyer)
有两种方法能写出没有错误的程序;但只有第三种好用。——Alan J. Perlis
最初的90%的代码用去了最初10%的开发时间。余下的10%的代码用掉另外90%的开发时间。——Tom Cargill
quotes about coding
Programming quotes by 37Signals