
2017-10-27  本文已影响0人  222刘文静

        英国的酒吧仪俗的形成,促进了社会交往,想要领略英国的生活和文化,去酒吧是必做的一件事,无论走到哪里,踏上哪国的土地,尊重他人永远是最重要的,当你在买酒时一定要有规矩,并时刻把请字挂在嘴边,利索办好事情,可以用一杯酒来感谢酒保的热情服务,永远记住买单这种事要轮流做,想要在酒吧搭讪,学会看他人神态,并且适时请酒,将会收到不错的回应。去英国,去英国酒吧。The formation of custom pub in the UK, promote social interactions, want a taste of British life and culture, to the bar is a thing to do, no matter where you go, on which the country land, respect for others is always the most important, when you want to have some rules in the liquor store, and when please put the engraved words hanging in the mouth, it can do things right, with a cup of wine to thank the bartender's warm service, always remember to pay this thing to take turns to do, want to learn to look at others in the bar conversation, and timely manner, please wine, will receive good response. To go to England, to the British bar.

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