2019-08-04 stall

2019-08-04  本文已影响0人  大兄弟的铲屎官

英英释义:to stop making progress or developing 

最常见的意思是汽车“熄火”“抛锚”,也常引申为“暂缓、搁置、停顿”,表示这个意思是常用作不及物动词。stall 可以在一些场景下替换 stop.


1. 当职业停滞不前时就可以说“career has stalled”

While his career has stalled, hers has taken off. 

2. 小米一直想进军高端智能手机市场,不过一直没什么进展

Xiaomi‘s rise to top of smartphone market has stalled

3. 有些方案早就规划好了,但是迟迟没有进展

Although the plan had been mapped out long ago, the process stalled

4. If you are good at your job, you rise up the career ladder. Eventually, there will be a job you are not good at and at that point your career will stall.

5. The growth of carbon-dioxide emissions around the world will stall in 2015. 



as negotiation stalled, the two sides have stuck in a dilemma.

参考翻译:As talks stall, both sides are in a dilemma.

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