
流利说商务英语学习笔记Level5 Unit1 Part 2 M

2020-02-13  本文已影响0人  无厌伽蓝


Mismanaging Priorities


To underestimate: To underestimate something means to think it is smaller or less important than it actually is. If you underestimate a task, you think it easier than it actually is. When people underestimate the difficulty of a project, they may schedule less time for it.

To overestimate: To overestimate something means to think it is bigger or more important than it actually is. If you overestimate the importance of a task, you assume the task is more important than it actually is.

To ignore: If you ignore something, you pretend that it doesn’t exist. To focus on your work, you should ignore distractions, such as social media and text messages.

To delay: To delay means to put off something until a later time. An employee may delay doing certain tasks because do not think they are urgent. Important tasks should not be delayed too much or else you may fall behind schedule.

To rush: To rush means to do something in a hurry without thinking about it carefully. Employees may rush through their work when they are behind the schedule. Rushing through assignments may hurt the quality of your work.


delay, put off, procrastinate 拖延
assume that …… 假定
fall behind schedule 落后于计划进度

2.to delay,to rush简直就是我们工作的常态,不想再多说了。

A friend of mine told me that he couldn't concentrate on what he needs to do yesterday. He thinks it because of laziness. Actually, everyone may be lazy sometimes. What he must face is that he mismanage priorities, like ignoring distractions, such as social media and text messages, delaying important tasks that need to be done every day which may greatly influence his future. We don't want to rush through our life and fall behind schedule. After he masters time management skills, he won't procrastinate next time. Our long term goals will be reached.


