GaGaKe shared massage armchair p

2017-10-30  本文已影响0人  生活八棱镜

GaGaKe shared massage armchair,is a leading and famous brand ,which is one of Chinese many shared  massage armchair companys' names,such as Joy of Massage,NO.1 Cabin,MoMoDa,and so on.GaGaKe shared massage armchair belongs to Beijing Ga Ga Ke Information Technology Co., Ltd(GaGaKe for short).

In the past time,less than half year,shared massage armchair has become a fresh shared economic model,following step of shared bicycle,shared portable battery,shared micro Gyms,shared Girlfriends,shared car,shared umbrelu,and so on.Indeed,shared massage armchair is stracting eyes and attensions from common peoples,bosses of diffrent levels,capitals,VCs.

As you know,China is far ahead of America and other countries in the field of shared econoics.Further more,shared economic has been regarded as the significant political economic policy the next ten years on the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Therefore,from the above,you will agree with the truth that GaGaKe shared massage armchair occurs at the appropriate moment in history,when busnissmen and party both admire it.

GaGaKe has developed a perfect system of shared massage armchair,and the armchairs.The system includes mobile payments,internet of armchairs,background management functions.

The armchairs of GaGaKe are produced by an advanced health and medical device firm  of strong research and development capability and excellent producing technology.Like the same qualities,selling price is 19,800RMB.

Now,GaGaKe is recruiting franchisee nationwidely.Well,let us talking about the critical parts.

First,why GaGaKe is suitable for you?

Second,let you see the cost and ROI of GaGaKe shared massage armchairs.

Third,what should franchisee do for the coming of good results.

Last,how to join the group of GaGaKe franchisee?

First,why GaGaKe is suitable for you?

There is little doubt that shared bicyle firms are obtain much profit,but shared bicycle is not suitable for you.For shared bicycle,you must buy more and more bicycles,and employ many stuffs to repair and maintenan bicycles.Worstly,you should be communicated with government,full of tremedous difficulties,out of you power reach.

GaGake shared massage armchair is only layed in indoor,such as shoppingmalls,cinemas,hotells,any place with streaming of humans.Franchisees of GaGaKe will be beyond of government's inspection and supervision.

Besides,everybody who uses the shared massage armchair would pay no attention to what the name of the armchair is,and need not depend its brand like shared bicycle.

Oh,the most important is no matter how  the franchisee is rich or not,because he need not afford large account of investing.He could buy only one GaGaKE armchair,or as many as he can,and buy thousands.

Secondly,Cost and ROI

The main costs are composed of buying massage armchair and paying for area,regardless of 3,000Yuan franchise fee.According to current average market data,it is easy and soon,no more than six month, to recover the cost of GaGaKe shared massage armchair.

The average revenue per massage armchair is fifty yuan,and the net income is thirty five yuan.Evidently,there will be no less than ten thousands yuan net income to its possessor,one million yuan for one hundred sets of GaGaKe shared massage armchairs.

Afer one year,you will become a millionaire,more or less.

Thirdly,what to do for your dream?

You must look for area,where has many peoples,or where a great deal of peoples walk by.,such as cinemas,hotels,shopping malls,bus stations,train stations,terminas,as possible as you can imagine.

Here are two tips for seeking targets:

Whether does the place not have enough or no chairs for the comings and visitors?If answer is right,you will go to find the relevant person in charge of the area,tell him that you can supply shared massage armchair freely,and he would be happy to hear that and cooperate with you.

Whether are the chairs of the area  time-worn and dull?If so,repeat above plan,parts of the old chairs will be replaced by your interesting and avant-garde.

Last problem,how to be a franchisee of GaGaKe?

Step one,you should pay three thousands yuan,this as a ticket.

Step two,you will enter WeChat group of GaGaKe nationwide joiners,study communiate obtain material concerned.

Last one,you could pay for ordering  GaGaKe shared massgae armchairs .

Well,that's what it's all about,if you have something to know more,please conncet Phone/WeChat 18610785149


