
2017-08-22  本文已影响16人  伍帆

How Exercise Could Help You Learn a New Language
By Gretchen Reynolds

Learning a second language as an adult is difficult. But the process may be eased if you exercise while learning.
这个过程也许会容易些(减少一些阻力)。be eased 这种用法是被动语态,如果你运动的时候学外语的话,这个过程(的阻力)就会减少一些。
A new study reports that working out during a language class amplifies people's ability to memorize, retain and understand new vocabulary. The findings provide more evidence that to engage our minds, we should move our bodies.
经常锻炼working out 活跃我们的大脑engage our minds
In recent years, a wealth of studies in both animals and people have shown that we learn differently if we also exercise. Lab rodents given access to running wheels create and maintain memories better than animals that are sedentary, for instance. And students consistently perform better on academic tests if they participate in some kind of physical activity during the school day.
啮齿类动物实验Lab rodents given access to ,这里省略was given,sedentary惯于久坐的,安静的。这里说的就是动静结合,适当的活动对提高脑力非常有益,效率和效能都会提高。
Many scientists suspect that exercise alters the biology of the brain in ways that make it more malleable and receptive to new information, a process that scientists refer to as plasticity.
可塑性和接受信息的能力都强化了make it more malleable and receptive to new information。这个过程指的就是可塑性refer to as plasticity
But many questions have remained unanswered about movement and learning, including whether exercise is most beneficial before, during or after instruction and how much and what types of exercise might be best.

So for the new study, which was published recently in PLOS One, researchers in China and Italy decided to home in on language learning and the adult brain.
本国,国内home in
Language learning is interesting. As young children, almost all of us picked up our first language easily. We didn't have to be formally taught; we simply absorbed words and concepts.

But by early adulthood, the brain generally begins to lose some of its innate language capability. It displays less plasticity in areas of the brain related to
language. As a result, for most of us, it becomes harder to learn a second language after childhood.
Applying Clean-as-You-Go principle to other areas of Life

By Leo Babauta
OK, so a clean house — big deal, Leo! Give me something important to try out.
尝试一下try out
Alright, I like your attitude!
So let's apply this to other areas of our lives:

  1. Emails: Every time you go into your inbox, clear out a batch. Like, archive/delete the ones you don't need (or better yet, unsubscribe), then do some quick replies. Put ones that require longer tasks into a folder and add the tasks to your to-do list. You can do all of that in 5 minutes. Then get out of the inbox. Repeat later.
    批量清空处理 clear out a batch.读音arkaiv archive。困难耗时的工作扔到“待办清单”,“今日要做清单”处理最重要的事情。
  2. Work tasks: As you go through your day, in between the important tasks of checking social media, watching videos and playing games … why not take care of mini-tasks for work? Just take care of them a little at a time. Break bigger tasks into things you can do in a few minutes (write just the outline of a blog post!). Scrub things a little at a time, and they don't require huge commitments. Again, there are things that require longer focuses, but clean-as-you-go can be very helpful for keeping things in order.擦洗scrub
    幽默诙谐的说法,重要任务有浏览社交网站,看视频打游戏。一次处理一个小任务why not take care of mini-tasks for work? Just take care of them a little at a time.番茄钟工作分解大任务成一个个几分钟的微小任务,比如写一个博客提纲,这非常适合我去写公众号提纲。又回到擦洗物件了scrub things a little at a time。
  3. Finances: I like to put my bills, savings and investments on auto-pay, for the most part … but I will very often check them (using online software like Mint.com to have all the info in one place) and make payments or adjustments if needed. Basically, if I see something that needs fixing, I (usually) take the few minutes and take care of it, rather than leaving it for later.
    在大多数情况下for the most part 不拖延看到能解决立即解决 if I see something that needs fixing, I (usually) take the few minutes and take care of it, rather than leaving it for later.
  4. Health & fitness: I'm not training for a marathon or anything else right now, so I don't dedicate large amounts of time to fitness. I just do a little bit every day. Do some pushups and chin-ups today, some barbell squats tomorrow, go for a run or bike ride the day after that, do some yoga for 20 minutes or so the next day, play basketball or go for a walk with the kids, etc. The idea is that if I do a bit every day, I don't need to deal with health problems later.
    献出大量时间给健康 dedicate large amounts of time to fitness俯卧撑引体向上pushups and chin-ups跑步或者骑车go for a run or bike ride
    I'm not perfect at any of this, by any means. But I've found that this principle can help me in so many ways, making lots of areas of my life a lot less stressful, a lot less messy, and a lot easier.
    这种表达方式可以学习a lot less stressful, a lot less messy, and a lot easier.
    The Alchemist
    By Paulo Coelho


The alchemist picked up a book that someone in the caravan had brought. Leafing through the pages, he found a story about Narcissus.
The alchemist knew the legend of Narcissus, a youth who knelt daily beside a lake to contemplate his own beauty. He was so fascinated by himself that, one morning, he fell into the lake and drowned. At the spot where he fell, a flower was born, which was called the narcissus.
跪在河边 knelt daily beside a lake凝视陶醉自己的美contemplate his own beauty
But this was not how the author of the book ended the story. He said that when Narcissus died, the goddesses of the forest appeared and found the lake, which had been fresh water, transformed into a lake of salty tears.

“Why do you weep?” the goddesses asked. “I weep for Narcissus,” the lake replied.
“Ah, it is no surprise that you weep for Narcissus,” they said, “for though we always pursued him in the forest, you alone could contemplate his beauty close at hand.”
“But . . . was Narcissus beautiful?” the lake asked. “Who better than you to know that?” the goddesses said in wonder. “After all, it was by your banks that he knelt each day to contemplate himself!”
惊奇地in wonder
The lake was silent for some time. Finally, it said: “I weep for Narcissus, but I never noticed that Narcissus was beautiful. I weep because, each time he knelt beside my banks, I could see, in the depths of his eyes, my own beauty reflected.”

“What a lovely story,” the alchemist thought.

A theory of jerks

Are you surrounded by fools? Are you the only reasonable person around? Then maybe you're the one with the jerkitude.
自视过高是人性。the only reasonable person around笨蛋观 jerkitude
By Eric Schwitzgebel

Picture the world through the eyes of the jerk. The line of people in the post office is a mass of unimportant fools; it's a felt injustice that you must wait while they bumble with their requests. The flight attendant is not a potentially interesting person with her own cares and struggles but instead the most available face of a corporation that stupidly insists you shut your phone. Custodians and secretaries are lazy complainers who rightly get the scut work. The person who disagrees with you at the staff meeting is an idiot to be shot down. Entering a subway is an exercise in nudging past the dumb schmoes.
笨蛋眼中的世界Picture the world through the eyes of the jerk瞎扯他们的要求 bumble with their requests空乘人员The flight attendant看管人和秘书都是爱抱怨不动脑子干活的笨蛋。 Custodians and secretaries are lazy complainers who rightly get the scut work.挤着过一群哑巴的笨蛋
We need a theory of jerks. We need such a theory because, first, it can help us achieve a calm, clinical understanding when confronting such a creature in the wild. Imagine the nature-documentary voice-over: ‘Here we see the jerk in his natural environment. Notice how he subtly adjusts his dominance display to the Italian restaurant situation…' And second – well, I don't want to say what the second reason is quite yet.
As it happens, I do have such a theory. But before we get into it, I should clarify some terminology. The word ‘jerk' can refer to two different types of person
(I set aside sexual uses of the term, as well as more purely physical senses). The older use of ‘jerk' designates a kind of chump or an ignorant fool, though not a morally odious one. When Weird Al Yankovic sang, in 2006, ‘I sued Fruit of the Loom 'cause when I wear their tightie-whities on my head I look like a jerk', or when, on 1 March 1959, Willard Temple wrote in a short story in the Los Angeles Times: ‘He could have married the campus queen… Instead the poor jerk fell for a snub-nosed, skinny little broad', it's clear it's the chump they have in mind.
取消set aside仰鼻猴snub-nosed, skinny little broad
"The House Of The Rising Sun"

Author Unknown

There is a house in New Orleans

They call the Rising Sun

And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God, I know I'm one

My mother was a tailor

She sewed my new blue jeans

My father was a gamblin' man

Down in New Orleans


Now the only thing a gambler needs

Is a suitcase and trunk

And the only time he's satisfied

Is when he's on a drunk

Oh mother, tell your children

Not to do what I have done

Spend your lives in sin and misery

In the House of the Rising Sun

Well, I got one foot on the platform

The other foot on the train

I'm goin' back to New Orleans

To wear that ball and chain

Well, there is a house in New Orleans

They call the Rising Sun

And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God, I know I'm one
Why doctors support bike lanes: they're healthier for everyone

‘Cycling is very effective in promoting good physical and mental health, and it's infrastructure like protected lanes that makes widespread bike use possible.'
By Peter Sakuls and Samantha Green

Recent polling from the Angus Reid Forum shows an impressive 80 per cent of Torontonians support the construction of a “safe network of bicycle lanes.” As
physicians, we are not at all surprised by bike lanes' huge popularity. Cycling is very effective in promoting good physical and mental health, and it's precisely infrastructure like protected lanes that makes widespread bike use possible.
投票Recent polling
In the absence of these lanes, many folks don't feel bicycles are safe. But when we build the lanes, bike ridership soars. In the weeks following the launch of
the Bloor Street bike lane, for example, the number of people cycling on the street rose 36 per cent – from 3,300 per day to 4,500, according to data from the City of Toronto.
骑车的人激增 bike ridership soars
The claim that bike lanes make cycling safer isn't just anecdotal. It's also backed by solid science. In 2014 Toronto Public Health released its “Healthy
Streets Evidence Review,” which summarized some of the research in this area. Among its findings:

A 2009 paper published in the journal Environmental Health compared the risk to cyclists of riding in various places including sidewalks, major roads, and
routes with “bicycle facilities” such as bike lanes. Its conclusion: “The presence of bicycle facilities ... was associated with the lowest risk.”

A study published in the journal Injury Prevention in 2011 compared injury rates of cyclists on streets with and without cycle tracks (protected bike lanes).
Its conclusion: the streets with “cycle tracks had a 28-per-cent lower injury rate.”

A study published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2012 looked at cyclists' injury risks on a variety of routes in Toronto and Vancouver. Conclusion: “Of 14 route types, cycle tracks had the lowest risk … about one-ninth the risk of the reference: major streets with parked cars and no bike infrastructure.
Finding Nemo a Home
By Steve Pavlina

Did you know that 29% of the Great Barrier Reef's coral died last year?
Imagine a forest about the size of Germany, and almost a third of it dies in one year. That's essentially what happened in the ocean next to Australia. And it's been happening all around the world.

Coral is very sensitive to global warming and starts dying when the surrounding water temperature increases beyond a certain point. It's expected that most of the world's coral will be gone within 30 years. Since so many fish depend on coral reefs, that would ultimately mean the collapse of a huge branch of our tree of life. And yes, we apes are responsible for this.
对很敏感is very sensitive to超过某一点 beyond a certain point生命树谱的一个分支的灭绝。
There's a pretty powerful documentary about this called Chasing Coral, which just came out today. It's from the same team that made Chasing Ice a few years ago. If you haven't seen either, I'd recommend both. The footage can be emotional to watch – you may be surprised to find yourself crying – but ultimately I think it will inspire you more than it disempowers you.
连续镜头 The footage
What's the single most useful thing you can do to be part of the solution? Switch to a plant-based diet if you haven't already done so. Skip the flesh, and eat lighter and cleaner.

Unless you run a coal-fired power plant and can choose to shut it down overnight, or you're making documentaries like these to raise awareness, nothing else you can change is likely to have as much impact as modifying your diet to be less wasteful. Due to all the negative environmental ripples created by the consumption of animal products, including a massive contribution to greenhouse gases, the choice of what you eat each day is your single biggest point of leverage as an individual. Going plant-based will have a greater positive impact than all of the other changes you could make combined
负面环境涟漪效应 all the negative environmental ripples个人的影响力point of leverage as an individual
Nike: Our Ambition


We have a bold, audacious innovation ambition that fuels our creative design process, drives innovation and propels us into the future.


Our Ambition: Double the business, with half the impact.

Climate change is a global issue that requires global solutions. Resource scarcity, fluctuations in the prices of raw materials and disruptions to supply chains are real concerns for business. And, we understand the broader impact that climate-related issues have on the athletes we serve.

A sustainable economy is a low-carbon growth economy. Nike uses carbon as a leading indicator to assess sustainability, but we recognize sustainability goes way beyond carbon. It means addressing all our impacts on the environment and the communities where we operate, supporting labor rights in supply chains, while continuing to serve the athlete and our business.

Sustainability and business growth are complementary. We have reduced absolute CO2 emissions while simultaneously increasing revenues since 2000.


The world needs systematic change at scale. We have forecast the rate at which our emissions could increase if we were to follow a mind-set of "business-as-usual." What becomes abundantly clear is that efficiencies alone will not suffice.


We envision a transition from linear to circular business models and a world that demands closed-loop products - designed with better materials, made with fewer resources and assembled to allow easy reuse in new products.


When Nike is innovating to gain a competitive edge, we focus on building innovation partnerships, investing in start-ups, emerging technologies and
new science. We test and prototype solutions, and then take them to market.


When we see opportunities to create industry-wide change, we drive market shifts through sharing, open-sourcing, and creating coalitions and consensus. We work to influence standards and policies to drive innovation forward.

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