第六单元 气候变化对图瓦卢岛国的影响
Tuvalu 图瓦卢
coral bleaching 珊瑚礁白化
big emitter 排放大国
the moral authority 道德权威
a remote coral atoll nation 偏远的、由珊瑚环礁组成的国家
atoll /'ætɒl/ n. 环状珊瑚岛,环礁
resilience 复原力
carbon neutrality 碳中和
neutrality /nu'træləti/ n. 中立;中立地位;<化>中性
shift taxes from salaries to carbon 从工资税转向碳排放税
cost-effective options 有成本效益的选项
jeopardize vt. 危及, 损害
rallying cry n. 战斗口号
rally [ˈræli]
A is there times as long as B
A is three times longer than B
A is three times the length of B
I was there to show solidarity with those suffering the worst impacts of climate change and to draw attention to the innovative climate action underway in the region. 我去那里是为了声援那些遭受气候变化影响最为严重的人们,并让大家关注该地区正在采取的创新性气候行动。
Extreme weather events are on the rise, jeopardising lives and livelihoods. 极端天气现象呈上升趋势,危及生命的民生。
n. 淹没,泛滥;洪水;(洪水般的)扑来;压倒
starkly adv. 严酷地;明显地;毫无掩饰地
at stake 危如累卵;处于危险中;在紧要关头
make no mistake 不要误会,别搞错了
But as a grandfather, the struggle against climate change is the fight of my life. 但是身为一名祖父,这场治理气候变化的战役是我人生中最重要的一战。
the fight of my life 人生中最重要的一战
the love of my life 此生最爱
prevail [priˈveil]
If we are to prevail, then we must find the political will to take transformative measures. 我们若要取胜,就必须凝聚政治意愿,采取变革措施。
front-runner ['frʌnt,rʌnə]
n. 竞争中的领先者;赛跑中跑在前头的人
It’s essential/ necessary/ important 直接译为:一定要、必须要
It is essential that the goals laid out clearly by the scientific community are achieved 一定要实现科学界明确提出的目标
My message to governments as the global community pursues those goal is clear, therefore. 因此,在国际社会努力实现这些目标之际,我向各国政府传达的信息是清晰明确的。
do business 经商
doing business 做生意;经营商业
do business with vt. 和……做生意
feed the world 养活世界人口的方式
coal plant n. 煤中所含的树木化石;煤中化石
coal fired plant 燃煤厂
coal fired power plant 燃煤电厂
stop subsidizing fossil fuels 停止对化石燃料提供补贴
[ˈsʌbsidaiz] v.资助,津贴; 给…津贴或补贴; 资助或补助…
tools to tackle climate crisis 应对气候危机的工具
save lives and property 挽救生命和财产
access cleaner water 获得更清洁的饮用水
Climate action could also yield a direct economic gain of 26 trillion dollars compared to business as usual through 2030, making it a cost-effective option. 与因循旧章相比,到2030年,气候行动还可以产生价值26万亿美元的直接经济效益,使之成为最具成本效益的选择。
prep. 穿过;通过;凭借
adv. 从头至尾;彻底
adj. 直达的;过境的;完结的