Ok,今天便只读了第一个故事,A Scandal of Bohemia, 《波西米亚丑闻》,前半个故事。

这个故事,与那个女人有关,Irene Adler。这个唯一比福尔摩斯聪明的女人,名侦探柯南也经常会提到。
To Sherlock Holmes, she is always the woman -- the woman who outsmarted him. All my friend has to say is "the woman," and I know sho he is talking about. Her name was Irene Adler.
Then he spoke. "I see you are enjoying marriage, Watson," he said. "I would say you've gained seven and a half pounds since I saw you last. I also see that you have returned to your practice as a medical doctor. I'm sorry you were caught in the rain recently. And equally sorry that you have a careless servant at home."

“It's simple, Watson. Your shoes reveal they were covered in mud recently. And I can see the scrape marks carelessly left by the person who cleaned those shoes.
"I also detect the faint smell of antiseptic on you, some sort of black powder on your finger that can only be used to treat infections. And there is a bulge in your coat where you normally carry your stethoscope. These clues tell me you are once again a man of medicine."