
Business Meeting - Lesson 9

2022-04-12  本文已影响0人  他瑞Taurui

Ending a Topic / Planning for the Future

Unfortunately, our time together is drawing to a close and we won’t be able to take any more questions today. I have been very favorably impressed by today’s discussion, but a great deal of work remains to be done.

to draw to a close – to be ending; to be finishing

I propose that we form two committees to focus on the major
outstanding issues. Ms. Graff, I would like you to head the first
committee, which is charged with developing a new marketing
campaign that will help us reach our target market. Mr. Hanson, you will be the chairperson of the second committee, which will begin making the proposed product changes ASAP.

committee – a small group that works on a specific project, usually in an office or organization

I would also like to establish a regular meeting schedule so that we can convene and have the committees report back to the larger group about their progress. If this time slot is convenient for everyone, I propose that we meet at this time every Tuesday for the next two months. At that point, we can reevaluate our situation and determine whether we would like to continue with the meetings

to convene – to meet; to have many people come together for a meeting

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