
数据分析实战 | Hi-C数据格式转化

2021-08-10  本文已影响0人  阿狸的窝

Raw contact to .hic → juicer_tools






pre 命令用于将 text file (<infile>) 转化为不同resolution下的.hic file(<outfile>

默认的resolution包括:2.5M, 1M, 500K, 250K, 100K, 50K, 25K, 10K, and 5K,或者可以通过-r 参数指定
如果没有使用-n选项,默认输出的hic file中已包括VC、VC_SQRT、KR和SCALE normalization 结果

Usage:   juicer_tools pre [options] <infile> <outfile> <genomeID>
   : -d only calculate intra chromosome (diagonal) [false]
   : -f <restriction site file> calculate fragment map
   : -m <int> only write cells with count above threshold m [0]
   : -q <int> filter by MAPQ score greater than or equal to q [not set]
   : -c <chromosome ID> only calculate map on specific chromosome [not set]
   : -r <comma-separated list of resolutions> Only calculate specific resolutions [not set]
   : -t <tmpDir> Set a temporary directory for writing
   : -s <statistics file> Add the text statistics file to the Hi-C file header
   : -g <graphs file> Add the text graphs file to the Hi-C file header
   : -n Don't normalize the matrices
   : -z <double> scale factor for hic file
   : -a <1, 2, 3, 4, 5> filter based on inner, outer, left-left, right-right, tandem pairs respectively
   : --randomize_position randomize positions between fragment sites
   : --random_seed <long> for seeding random number generator
   : --frag_site_maps <fragment site files> for randomization
   : -k normalizations to include
   : -j number of CPU threads to use
   : --threads <int> number of threads 
   : --mndindex <filepath> to mnd chr block indices

Input 格式

short format


  1. chr1 <= chr2
  2. 按chr1, chr2进行排序(即chr3-chr3的read必须在一起)


原始数据格式: <seqID> <chr1> <pos1> <chr2> <pos2>

Step 1. Re-organization of raw data

cat ${raw_contact_file} | \
    awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print 0, $1, $2, 0, 1, $3, $4, 1}' | 
    sort -k2,2d -k6,6d \
    >  ${short_format_contact_file} 

Step 2. From short-format txt to .hic

java -Xmx2g -jar ${juicer_tool} pre ${infile} ${outfile} ${genomeID} --threads 4

Trouble-shooting Tips

  1. Error: the chromosome combination 1_1 appears in multiple blocks
    解决方案: sort -k2,2d -k6,6d (根据实际染色体所在列)

  2. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Raw contact to .cool → cooler



pip install cooler


cooler cload pair命令用于将contact file转化为不同resolution下的.cool file

Usage: cooler cload pairs [OPTIONS] BINS PAIRS_PATH COOL_PATH

  Bin any text file or stream of pairs.

  Pairs data need not be sorted. Accepts compressed files. To pipe input from
  stdin, set PAIRS_PATH to '-'.

  BINS : One of the following

      <TEXT:INTEGER> : 1. Path to a chromsizes file, 2. Bin size in bp

      <TEXT> : Path to BED file defining the genomic bin segmentation.

  PAIRS_PATH : Path to contacts (i.e. read pairs) file.

  COOL_PATH : Output COOL file path or URI.

  --metadata TEXT                 Path to JSON file containing user metadata.
  --assembly TEXT                 Name of genome assembly (e.g. hg19, mm10)
  -c1, --chrom1 INTEGER           chrom1 field number (one-based)  [required]
  -p1, --pos1 INTEGER             pos1 field number (one-based)  [required]
  -c2, --chrom2 INTEGER           chrom2 field number (one-based)  [required]
  -p2, --pos2 INTEGER             pos2 field number (one-based)  [required]
  --chunksize INTEGER             Number of input lines to load at a time
  -0, --zero-based                Positions are zero-based  [default: False]
  --comment-char TEXT             Comment character that indicates lines to
                                  ignore.  [default: #]
  -N, --no-symmetric-upper        Create a complete square matrix without
                                  implicit symmetry. This allows for distinct
                                  upper- and lower-triangle values
  --input-copy-status [unique|duplex]
                                  Copy status of input data when using
                                  symmetric-upper storage. | `unique`:
                                  Incoming data comes from a unique half of a
                                  symmetric map, regardless of how the
                                  coordinates of a pair are ordered. `duplex`:
                                  Incoming data contains upper- and lower-
                                  triangle duplicates. All input records that
                                  map to the lower triangle will be discarded!
                                  | If you wish to treat lower- and upper-
                                  triangle input data as distinct, use the
                                  ``--no-symmetric-upper`` option.   [default:
  --field TEXT                    Specify quantitative input fields to
                                  aggregate into value columns using the
                                  syntax ``--field <field-name>=<field-
                                  number>``. Optionally, append ``:`` followed
                                  by ``dtype=<dtype>`` to specify the data
                                  type (e.g. float), and/or ``agg=<agg>`` to
                                  specify an aggregation function different
                                  from sum (e.g. mean). Field numbers are
                                  1-based. Passing 'count' as the target name
                                  will override the default behavior of
                                  storing pair counts. Repeat the ``--field``
                                  option for each additional field.
  --temp-dir DIRECTORY            Create temporary files in a specified
                                  directory. Pass ``-`` to use the platform
                                  default temp dir.
  --no-delete-temp                Do not delete temporary files when finished.
  --max-merge INTEGER             Maximum number of chunks to merge before
                                  invoking recursive merging  [default: 200]
  --storage-options TEXT          Options to modify the data filter pipeline.
                                  Provide as a comma-separated list of key-
                                  value pairs of the form 'k1=v1,k2=v2,...'.
                                  set.html#filter-pipeline for more details.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


contact -> 1kb .cool file

cooler cload pairs -c1 1 -p1 2 -c2 3 -p2 4 \
    mm10.chrom.sizes:1000 \ \

.cool to multi-resolution .mcool file

cooler zoomify

.hic to .mcool → hic2cool



pip install hic2cool


hic2cool convert <infile> <outfile> -r <resolution> -p <nproc>

positional arguments:
  infile                hic input file path
  outfile               cooler output file path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RESOLUTION, --resolution RESOLUTION
                        integer bp resolution desired in cooler file. Setting to 0 (default) will use all resolutions. If all resolutions are
                        used, a multi-res .cool file will be created, which has a different hdf5 structure. See the README for more info
  -p NPROC, --nproc NPROC
                        number of processes to use to parse hic file. default set to 1
  -s, --silent          if used, silence standard program output
  -w, --warnings        if used, print out non-critical WARNING messages, which are hidden by default. Silent mode takes precedence over this


生成 multi-resolution .mcool file

hic2cool convert ${hic_file} ${mcool_file} 

生成特定resolution下.cool file

hic2cool convert ${hic_file} ${cool_50kb_file} -r 50000
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