. precondition
A server installed rsync in daemon mode, like rsyncd.cc::mod/
1. msys2 installation
download msys2 and install it like msys2-x86_64-20161025.exe address: https://msys2.github.io/
Supposing you install rsync in directory of D:\app\msys64
2. rsync install. Rsync is not installed by msys2 by default.
Open msys2 shell and execute `pacman -S rsync` to install rsync.
3. check
create a file in C:\, like C:\test.txt, and open command prompt(cmd) to execute the following command:
set bins=D:\app\msys64\usr\bin
set path=%bins%
rsync /d/test.txt rsyncd.cc::mod/
# After transit, you may check the text.txt in the server, namely rsyncd.cc.If the file exists, then the transit succeeded, or you should check your configuration, like file permission and module permission of the target server, etc..