java 常量池 index 索引位置的坑
2022-04-06 本文已影响0人
All 8-byte constants take up two entries in the constant_pool table of the class file. If a CONSTANT_Long_info or CONSTANT_Double_info structure is the item in the constant_pool table at index n, then the next usable item in the pool is located at index n+2. The constant_pool index n+1 must be valid but is considered unusable.
In retrospect, making 8-byte constants take two constant pool entries was a poor choice.
image.png一个long 和 double 占常量池 2个索引号. 是历史遗留问题...wori ...
image.pngasm ClassReader 解析的时候 把index 和 size 分开来计算... 这里确实 ugly