
流利说商务英语学习笔记Level5 Unit2 Part 1 C

2020-03-02  本文已影响0人  无厌伽蓝


Calculating Market Share


Market share is the percentage of a market's total sales earned by a company or product. Calculating market share allows a company to determine its position in a market. Here are some basic steps to calculate market share.

Determine a period: To calculate a company’s market share, you must choose a period to examine, such as a quarter or a year. For example, a company can compare its first and second quarter to see how quickly it is growing in the market.

Find out the company’s total sales: Next calculate the company’s total sales revenue within that period. Multiply the total number of units sold by the average sales price per unit. If a company only sells one product, its sales revenue is the total sales revenue of the company. If a company sells multiple products, add up the sales revenue for each product.

Find out the total market sales: Next, calculate the total sales for the market that the company operates in. Sales information from publicly traded companies is easy to obtain since they are legally required to share it. It can be found through company websites, shareholder reports and traded associations.
找出市场总额: 下一步,计算公司参与的市场总额。公开交易的公司的销售消息是容易获得的,因为法律上要求要公开。在公司网站,股东报告和贸易歇会上都能找到。

Divide the company’s revenue by the industry’s total: Finally, to divide a company’s total sales by total market sales. The result is the company’s market share. Comparing a company’s market share with the growth of the market shows whether it has increased or decreased. If a company’s revenue has grown more slowly than the market, its market share has declined.




