2018-05-21:Why we love royal wed

2018-05-22  本文已影响0人  April2018

Why we love royal weddings

There was a big wedding at the weekend. We love a good Royal wedding, don't we? We get out the flags, buy the commemorative T-shirts and spend hours debating the little things, like what the bride's dress will look like. But why? We don't know these people, most of us have never met them and it's very unlikely any of us will ever attend the actual event. So why do we care?

The answer may be psychology. Psychology offers many explanations as to why we love a royal wedding. Experts suggest we all have a fairy-tale prince or princess within us!

From a young age we are told stories of the princess who overcomes adversity to capture the valiant prince; the hero or heroine, someone brave and beautiful. We love to identify with someone who seems to lead a perfect life and to follow the ups and downs of this life which, of course, we know, never runs smoothly in the story.

It is also believed that evolution plays a part too. The desire to know about what high-status individuals get up to is shared with other primates; knowing what celebrities do means that we have the necessary skills to act in that way should we be 'lucky' enough to find ourselves in the spotlight.

But all in all our fascination with royalty, people we don't and will never know brings many of us true enjoyment. It's a way of escaping from our daily routine. It's just a bit of fun.

Words & Expressions:

1. commemorative /kəˈmɛm(ə)rətɪv/: adj. if something is commemorative, it is made or done to officially remember, to commemorate an important or historical event.

eg. a commemorative plaque

2. Something offers many explanations.

eg. Science offers many explanations about the ice age.

      Astronomy offers many explanations about the origins of the universe.

      Medical science offers many explanations about how to lose weight.

3. We all have a something within us· 

eg. We all have an artist within us. (Everybody has some artistic ability.)

      We all have a child within us. (Every adult has a tendency to act in a childish way sometimes.)

      We all have a musician within us. (Everybody has some musical ability.)

      We all have a fairy-tale prince or princess within us! (We all have a fantasy or a dream of being a prince or princess deep within us.)

4.valiant /ˈvæliənt/ very brave, especially in a difficult situation. 

eg. valiant effort to save someone

5.high-status/low status: 

eg. They were men of high status and great influence.

      People who work as security guard have low status in our society.

6. to identify with someone: if you identify with someone, you feel that you are similar to that person, you can understand them or you can understand their circumstances or situation.·

eg. Readers like this book because they can identify with the hero of the story.

      I didn't enjoy the book because I couldn't identify with any of the characters.

7. something plays a part/role in a situation: if something plays a part or plays the role in a situation, they are involved in that situation; they have an effect on that situation.

eg.  A healthy diet plays an important part/role in preventing diseases.

      The global community can play a major part/role in reducing pollution.

8. all in all: in summary; to sum up; in conclusion

eg. “All in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington,“said Mr Obama.

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